Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Love is in the Air or Not!

My first Valentine's card of the season, from Felicia.
We had another snow day today and the girls spent much of it making cards covered with love and hearts. Well, at least that's what they did when they weren't bickering about what to watch on t.v. or about what game they were going to play, or who was sitting too close to whom. Yeah, it was a day filled with love. ;0)  (spring can't come soon enough for me)


  1. Very cute - I'm feeling the love! :)

  2. Tell me about it Sandy! I definitely have a love/hate relationship with snow days. I love the sleeping in part, but can definitely do away with all the bickering and fighting!

    Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving such a thoughtful comment this morning on my blog. I hope you enjoy the rest of your week!

  3. Awe!

    I hear ya! I love them snow days! But the kids start getting on my nerves. Just Get Along!!


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