Monday, February 28, 2011

My Weekend-Unplugged

For the first time in as long as I can remember, I took a break from my online world, *gasp* and I actually survived! Aside from answering a few emails on Saturday, I stayed away from the computer. I really just wanted to take the whole weekend to focus on "real life", no posting crafts or everyday moments, just chilling out with my family. Ahhhh, the perfect weekend. It was nice and definitely something I will be doing more often! 

How did you spend your weekend?


  1. I spent most of the weekend at home, which was nice. We are gearing up for a trip to Disney World, so some online shopping for my kiddo's and a stop at the library. Nice and low key.

  2. we started working on our hall bathroom and preping it for paint. It had a hideuous early 90s seafoam green wallpaper.

  3. We spent the weekend visiting my sister in Atlanta. We had the best time.


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