Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Torn Paper Shamrock

Every time we do a craft involving construction paper, I save the scraps to use later. This is one of those projects that uses up some of our scraps.

1. Tear some green construction paper into small pieces. Madelyn always has fun tearing paper!

2. While she was tearing up the scraps, I cut a shamrock out of an old cereal box.

3. Spread some glue on the shamrock.

4. Glue the scraps all over it.
You have an easy peasy shamrock. :)


  1. This turned out really nice. Great idea for left over paper scraps.

  2. great idea-my 7 yr old is having a friend over and this is a great idea to keep my 5 and 2 yr old busy!!

  3. Very cute :)

    I was just thinking about making some St. Patrick's Day craft last night...I guess it's that time.

  4. That's a cute idea! It would probably keep my kids busy for a while! ;)

  5. Wonderful!! I can't believe how HUGE Maddy is getting - wowsa!! You have the sweetest kids.

    Most be because you're such an awesome Mom!!!!

  6. That's so clever! Thanks for visiting my blog. Enjoy the weekend!


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