Saturday, June 4, 2011

Bubble Snake Maker

Bubbles are a staple for summertime fun at our house and there are many different ways to use them. This is one of our favorites! We have been making bubble snake makers for the past few years and the kids never get tired of using them.
Cut the bottom off an empty soda bottle.005
Attach a washcloth to the bottom with a rubber band.006
Dip the washcloth into some bubble solution and blow through the top.010
Of course there is usually a competition to see who can blow the longest bubble snake!


  1. That is totally an awesome idea! I think my kids and I are going to do this this afternoon.

  2. I love this - I have never seen it before - a definite thing to try with my toddlers this summer!

  3. Holy moly!!!!! My girls would go nuts over that! I recently bought "colored bubbles" and what a DISASTER!!!!!!!!!!! This bubble experiment looks much cleaner. :)

  4. This is so cool! Must file that away to try one day next summer...


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