Thursday, July 21, 2011

Positive Thoughts Please

A few months ago while doing a self breast exam I found a lump in my breast. My first thought was, did I just really feel a lump? I decided to wait and see if it was going to go away on its own, but it didn't. I told Mike about it and he begged me to go to the doctor, but to be honest, unless the end result of me seeing the doctor is me bringing home a bundle of joy, I don't like to go. In fact, I hate it! I finally did make an appointment and Monday I had to face the fact that I did, indeed, have a lump in my breast. I saw the doctor in the morning and she manged to work some magic and get me a mammogram and ultrasound appointment for later that day. I was okay about going, a little nervous, but I pretty much knew what to expect, after all, I had researched everything online before I went. (FYI, don't ever do that!) I made it through the mammogram and ultrasound just fine and then the radiologist came in (with back up). They lined up against the wall and all stared at me while he (speaking as if the word "cancer" was displayed on the screen)  said, "It definitely looks like something that is going to need to be biopsied. Do you have any questions?" Um no. My next appointment went a lot better. The women I saw was very positive and optimistic. She had a great sense of humor and made me feel at ease. I'm scheduled for a biopsy next week, so now I just have to wait it out. That is the hardest part of the whole thing. But anyway, I could really use your prayers and positive thoughts!


  1. Lots of positive thoughts from here! I hope it all goes smoothly. (((hugs)))

  2. Keeping you in my prayers.

    Went through the exact same thing last summer. Let me know if you have questions.


  3. Thinking about you and hoping everything goes well. {{Hugs}}

  4. So, so scary but it sounds like you have a great lookout and attitude. Good luck...I will be thinking of you.

  5. Prayers. Breast cancer is close to my heart as my aunt passed from it. :( Here's hoping it's nothing at all to worry about.

  6. I wish they could just fit all the tests and biopsies into one day so you don't have to wait and think about it. I am definitely thinking tons of good thoughts and prayers for you!

  7. Oh Sandy - I will keep you in my prayers. I hope it is nothing to worry about too!

  8. I will absolutely keep you in my thoughts and hope for a good outcome for you.

  9. Oh, my! It really sounds frightening, but you've found it in an early stage, so There won't be any problem, I'm sure!
    I wish you luck, and strength, and I hope you'll get through this as quickly as possible!
    I'm sending tons of positive thoughts, and I'll keep you in my prayers!
    All the best!

  10. Sending good {healthy!} vibes your way!

  11. Hugs, prayers and more hugs!!!

    One thing to keep in mind - there's nothing to worry about, until there's something to worry about! Thank God your husband made you go and that you have been doing monthly checks yourself. Early detection is the key and breast cancer (IF that's even what you have!) has high rates of cure if caught early!!!

    Waiting sucks. You are NOT alone!! Please keep us updated so we can be there for you!!!!

  12. Prayers sent your way Sandy! Glad you (and hubby) were pro-active!

  13. My thoughts are prayers are with you. I had similar fears when I had a repeat MRI after they spotted "something" on the first one. Mine turned out to be nothing. Fingers crossed yours comes back just as positive!

    Stopping by from SITS.

  14. Praying and sending happy thoughts your way...


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