Wednesday, August 3, 2011

My Diagnosis

Today, the day finally came for me to face my diagnosis. The results are positive, I do in fact have breast cancer. Honestly, it was not really a surprise to me, I just had a feeling. I'm relieved to finally have an answer and I am ready to move forward with treatment. Your prayers and support have made things so much easier for me and I am forever grateful to have such good friends. Thank you!


  1. Thinking a lot about you and sending lots of energy and stamina.
    Go on with the treatment and don't be afraid! You're the very best mom I've been reading, so everything will be all right!

  2. Well darn. I didn't expect that at all! I will keep you in my morning shower prayers! My very best - Deborah

  3. I've been reading your blog quietly now for a while, gleaning many neat ideas for my children... I just wanted to say that I WILL be praying for you and your family. Find peace in Him today.

  4. i am so sorry to hear this. you may have expected it, but i was keeping my fingers crossed for a different outcome. i will absolutely keep you and your family in my thoughts. i am hoping for quick and easy treatment.

  5. I am so sorry. I'll keep you in my prayers; let us know if there's anything else we can do to help!

  6. Please know you will be in my prayers...I am so sorry!

  7. Be the strong woman I know you are and you will beat this! God Bless! You will absolutely be in my thoughts & prayers!!! :)

  8. Oh wow, you will totally be in my thoughts and prayers.

  9. I am so so sorry to read this.

    You will beat this! I now it is possible! My grandma and aunt both did! Keep positive and lean on God throughout this time!

    You will be in my prayers.

  10. I am so sorry Sandy! Still sending prayers for a easy and quick recovery. {{Hugs}}

  11. Obviously I was praying for much different results. I am sorry to hear this. I am hoping you have caught it early and there is much to be done about it! I have actually been thinking about you all day. PLEASE let me know if you need any help with anything. Thanks for keeping us informed. You are very brave!!

  12. Sending lots of prayers your way!

  13. That sucks.

    But I admire your attitude. Now you have a name to something and you can start fighting!

    Sending prayers your way!

  14. I am so sorry to hear this, but know you will fight and beat this. Prayers of healing and strength for you and your family. :)

  15. Sandy, so sorry to hear the news. Will lift you and your family up in prayers as you face this giant and fight like a mad woman!

  16. So sorry to hear this, keeping you in my thoughts and prayers! Kristi

  17. So glad you know and can move forward with the treatment plan. Keep us posted - you are in our prayers!

  18. Sorry to hear of your news...the best to you and your family during this time.

  19. Thank goodness you found it and can progress to treatment. Sending you lots of cancer butt-kickin' vibes!

  20. I'm so sorry to read this. Be strong and lean on your family for support. I'm sending you my positive thoughts.

  21. Sending you healing thoughts.

  22. Hugs and more hugs, brave girl!!! Face it head on, and lick it good!! I know you are a WINNER!!!

  23. I am your newest follower.. I stumbled across your blog and decided it was meant to be. My mother was diagnosed with breast cancer this past Monday, August 1, 2011. I think it's been harder for me than it has been for her. But just like her, I am sure you are a strong woman and will overcome this. You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.


  24. I have a good friend who has breast cancer as well. She just finished her last round of chemo and is going strong. Her optimism, faith, and loving family and friends have been such a source of strength to her. I'm sure those things will help you as well as you go through this. HUGS and prayers!

  25. Oh goodness Sandy!! I'm so sorry! But you're a strong and amazing woman and you'll get through it! My prayers are with you!!!

  26. I will continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers!

  27. Oh Sandy, I am sorry. I will pray hard for smooth treatment for you and your family.

    Much love going your way... >>>HUGS<<<


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