Sunday, September 4, 2011

A Rough Week

“God only gives you what He knows you can handle.” 

I’ve had many people say that to me and, for the most part, I do agree with that. However, this week, I found myself asking why He has so much faith in my strength. Last Saturday, following my first chemo treatment, I became very ill. My doctor had warned me that usually the Saturday and Sunday following a Wednesday treatment are the worst days. I just kept praying for Monday to get here thinking that by then I would start feeling better. Monday came and went and I was still no better. Of course, I am very stubborn and refused to admit that I needed to go to the hospital. I was sure I could handle it. WRONG! By Thursday morning, I could barely lift my head and it was obvious that I was not going to get any better on my own. So, I spent several hours at the hospital receiving IV meds and fluids. Ever so slowly I am regaining my strength and today, I actually feel pretty good.

Thankfully, my family has been awesome helping out and taking care of things that need to be done around here and for that, I am forever grateful.  This first treatment has been a learning experience and we now know how to better approach my next one. Until then, I’m just going to rest and gain strength.

Thank you for your continued prayers!



  1. Oh my goodness!! I am glad to hear that today is better!! Maybe the next treatment will be better. You are still in my thoughts.


  2. I sure hope the next treatment is a little easier for you. I am glad to hear you have a wonderful support system to help you get through this.

  3. i have heard that this is not an easy journey (my step mom just recently went through this). i continue to keep you in my thoughts daily, and hope for a speedy recovery ♥

  4. Hang in there! We are all praying for you and sending happy thoughts to you and your family!


  5. So sorry you had a rough week with your first treatment. I hope you're second treatment is much better. Sending thoughts and prayers your way!

  6. Hugs and prayers to you honey!! I wish all this was behind you already. Please rest and try not to be your usual Super Mommy for a bit, OK??

  7. I really think a lot of you. I hope you really are a lot better and I hope it will be better next time, and you quickly get through it.
    Try to rest as much as possible!
    Thinking of you from the distance!

  8. I have not been keeping up with my blog reading over the summer, so when I was doing some catch up today...needless to say I am so very sorry! I have watched my Dad go through a cancer diagnosis, chemo, and a bone marrow transplant (he had Leukemia) - but he is doing very well! It was an extremely (understatement) hard year and a half. It's definitely not easy. Not easy at all, but you will get through it! He reached his one year post transplant milestone this summer - and he is cancer free!!! Hang in there! Know that not only your family and friends love you, but you have total strangers praying for you! *hugs*

  9. Thinking of you!

    Lots of hugs and prayers!

  10. Oh - sorry to hear this! I hope you are feeling better.

  11. hugs to you! Sounds like you are surrounded by lots of love to help you get through this. And you will! A friend of mine just went thru 6 rounds of chemo and is kicking cancer's butt!

    Cheering you on!!!

  12. So sorry you are having to go through this. My prayers are with you.

  13. I'm so sorry to hear that you have this battle to fight. I will be praying for you, Sandy. Hope you are feeling better soon from your first treatment. So glad that you have family around that love and support you. Jen

  14. I'm sorry you got so sick. My thoughts and prayers are with you!

  15. Sorry to hear that things have started off rough for you. Praying for you for strength and endurance on this journey, and health at the outcome!


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