Thursday, October 6, 2011

It's Shrinking, It's Shrinking!!!

Yesterday, I had my third round of chemotherapy and I got some awesome news from my doctor. The mass in my breast has now shrunk to half of it's original size! My Dr. said I made his day, but truly, hearing this made my day! It has given me the inner strength to fight on, harder than ever!
The ultimate goal is to shrink the mass to nothing or at the very least, next to nothing, which would result in a smaller surgery. He's not making any promises, but he says we are on the right track and I put my trust in him. Please continue your prayers, I do believe they may be working.  :)


  1. That's fabulous Sandy! Sending healing thoughts your way!

  2. HOORAY!!! Keeping you in my prayers...

  3. Ohmygosh!! This is truly the bestest news!!!!! So beyond thrilled for you Sandy!! Keep up the awesome work!!

  4. I'm SO happy for this wonderful news!

  5. Oh my goodness, that is such amazing news!!! I'm praying for you!! I hope it goes well!!

  6. I'm going in for an ultrasound of my lump in the morning and I was feeling nervous about it until I read your blog tonight. Your attitude is really admirable and this latest news is wonderful and so encouraging. I suddenly don't feel scared anymore.

    I will be praying for the rest of your treatment.

  7. Sandy, I keep thinking about you and how you're doing! How are you holding up with the chemo? Are you feeling okay? Is the hair okay? How are your hubby and kids taking it? Your posts are so positive that it's hard to remember you're most likely struggling really hard. I hope you're having a great day and just know you're in my prayers. :)

  8. What fantastic news!

    Brings me right back to when my mom was going thru chemo & radiation for her breast cancer (in remission for 7 years now :)

    Sending prayers your way for continued good news!


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