Tuesday, February 21, 2012

An Overdue Update

It's been two weeks since my surgery day so I thought it was about time I gave you all an update. The surgery was actually two surgeries in one day. Part one, removal of my ovaries. Although my ovaries had NO cancer, the tumor in my breast was estrogen fed so removing the ovaries reduces the chance for the cancer to return. Part two, a partial mastectomy, which was removing the tumor and an area around it, along with the lymph nodes under my arm. Whew, the operating room sure was busy, but I didn't mind because I got to sleep through it all. lol! Things went well and I am healing great! It feels good to check off another task on my "cancer treatment checklist". 

Thank you for all of your support through prayers, cards, meals, and kind words. It really is encouraging to know that you are all right beside me through this fight. :)


  1. That's a lot of surgery! Glad you are doing well, and keeping you in our prayers.

  2. I didn't know the extent of your surgery. You sound positive and that is great to hear! You're always in my prayers and sending luv and hugs!

  3. Thanks for the update - so glad you are healing well!

  4. So glad to hear things went well.

  5. Oh Brave soul, you are doing such a great job! Keep on healing! Take that, cancer cells! She's got you beat!

  6. oh Sandy, i had no idea. i am sending prayers up for you now.

  7. Sandy-
    I asked my little prayer warriors- my daughters-to pray for you and my oldest asked if she can send you a note. If you are comfortable sending me your address- here is my email- loveforlit@comcast.net.
    Take care and hope you have a good Friday.


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