Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Next Step

Yesterday I began the next phase of treatment for my breast cancer...radiation. Five days a week, for the next six weeks, I'll be spending part of my afternoon getting treatment. Although, it's kind of a pain to be going there every day, the actual procedure doesn't take long at all. I will be happily marking those days off the calender! 

Again, I would like to thank everyone who has sent cards, prayers, and offered encouraging words throughout all of my treatments! It means so much to me and really helps me keep my positive attitude! Staying focused on that has really made a difference for me!  Thank You.


  1. Thinking of you as you mark these days off and admiring your strength

  2. Ahhh, man! I thought you were all finished!! Rats. Well, with your strong, positive attitude, I know you will get through this part amazingly well too. Big hugs and know I'm thinking PINK THOUGHTS of you!!!

  3. Thanks for the update. I've been thinking about you lately. Be strong...

    1. I wish I had time to update more often. Thanks for thinking of me!

  4. Sandy
    I'm so sorry to hear about your cancer.
    My heart goes out to you!
    I don't read blogs much these days at all, so I apologize for not knowing sooner!
    You are a very brave woman! Stay strong and keep the faith.
    Hugs-oxoxox- sharla

  5. Prayers and smiles for you while you go through your treatment.
    :) :) :)



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