Tuesday, March 4, 2014

The B-I-B-L-E!

My entire life I have worshiped at the same Methodist church that my grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles, and cousins were members. They truly are my church family. Many of my childhood memories were centered around the church and the family time we had at my grandparents house following church services. There was also Sunday school, vacation bible school, and youth group. All of which, I look back on fondly! 
Recently, I have had some struggles with whether or not my church is still the one for me. It's not in our town which makes it a little more difficult for me to get involved with activities that don't fall on a weekend. Also, there is no longer a Sunday school program for kids Stella's age. That kind of bums me out. 
About two years ago, some friends of Felicia and Madelyn asked if the girls could go with them for "Kid's Club" at a church down the street from our house. When I was a little girl, I would go to VBS there and enjoyed it, so I said sure. They've been attending Friday nights ever since! This past summer, during vacation bible school I started taking Stella as well. At times she would get antsy and I would have to take her out, but for the most part, she enjoyed being included. Especially at craft time! 
This past Friday, we were greeted with happy faces and warm hearts once again. We sang songs and prayed, had a lesson and made a craft. But the best part of the night for Stella was when she received her very own Bible. The members of the church gave each of the kids that come to kids club a Beginner's Bible. (they had given my older girls a regular Bible when the first started attending too) For Stella, this has become her most prized possession! She has told everyone that she can that she has a new Bible!
All three girls are so happy to have their new bibles. The big girls have read quite a few stories on their own and have looked up the corresponding verses in their regular bibles and Stella likes to go through and pick out stories for me to read to her. Right now, we are feeling blessed to have two churches to call our church family. 


1 comment:

  1. I have so many fond memories of the Church I grew up in too. I don't go to Church now and think my kids miss out on so much because of it.


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