Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Gobble Gobble!

This past weekend my mom and I took the girls to our local children's museum for Turkey Day! Madelyn and I went last year with our Girl Scout troop and it was a lot of fun so we decided to go again this year. There were turkey crafts, games, and stories, as well as live turkeys!

As you can see from the above photo, Stella was NOT getting near the turkeys to have her picture taken! But, Felicia and Madelyn didn't mind...too much. 

Despite her lack of interest in turkeys, Stella found plenty of other things to do while we were there.
They even have a Native American exhibit that is new this year and went along perfectly with some lessons that Stella and I have been working on in preschool. It was a good day and a great place for the kids to explore. We are looking forward to heading back there soon!

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Thanks for visiting! Come back again!