Monday, December 15, 2008

Muffin Tin Monday-Christmas Shapes

This week's Theme for Muffin Tin Monday is Christmas shapes. My girls get more and more excited about Muffin Tin Monday every week! This week was extra fun! Here is our tin:

The top row was: Jingle Bell fries, ketchup, Gingerbread man cheese
The bottom row was: An olive wreath, a star egg salad sandwich, and candy cane shaped apples
For the home of Muffin Tin Monday please visit Her Cup Overfloweth!


  1. That looks so cool! How creative! You got me thinking about an egg salad sandwich now. It is 1:00 in the morning, not possible.

  2. That olive wreath is just too adorable! And I like how your blog is snowing :-)

  3. That is so cute! What a great idea!


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