Friday, January 30, 2009

Friday Book Project-The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Who doesn't love The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle? It's always been a favorite book at our house! Today we made Very Hungry Caterpillars!
For this project you will need:
a balloon
green, yellow, and orange paint
a piece of paper

1. Pour some yellow and green paint on a plate. Blow up the balloon.

2. Have your child dip the balloon into the paint and press it on the paper.

3. Continue until the caterpillar is the length you want.

4. Dip the balloon into orange paint to make the head.

5. Add a face and antennae and cut out your caterpillar.

If you have a book inspired project and would like to play along, sign the Mr. Linky below! Happy reading:0)


  1. That's great! Maddie loves the Hungry Caterpillar. We did a caterpillar project for C day and she was so proud of her 'catapilla dots!'

  2. If I wasn't so afraid of paint, we could do this for #5. Super cute! I love your ideas.

  3. I'm so in AWE of your creativity. We're so going to do this.

  4. What a great idea!!! Two things my daughter loves...balloons and paint! ;-)

  5. I love this. I will have to use it in my preschool class.

  6. This is a really good idea and the colors are pretty much identical to the caterpillar in the book!

  7. We love "The Hungry Caterpiller" I love all of Eric Carle's books. His illustrations are great. My favorite is "Brown Bear, Brown Bear"

    This is a cool project. I like how you mix the two colors together.

  8. Sandy, this is awesome! I love it! We are going to do it next week. I'll send you pics, thanks for sharing.

  9. I LOVE how you used a balloon to paint with! We will have to give this a try!! Thanks for the GREAT idea.

  10. I love this! Mixing the paint makes it look just like the caterpillar! Oooh, I'm seeing an Eric Carle art study comin' on! Thanks for the idea!

  11. This looks like so much fun!! My kids had such fun doing the balloon print snowmen, now we need to do these as well...thank you!!

  12. Very cool project! I've got it down for "C" week...

  13. I LOVE the idea of the Friday book project! This one is so cute. I just subscribed to your site and look forward to getting some craft ideas. We have a baby book review site, and I'm just starting to try out crafts with our 14 month old. I'll be sure to come sign your linky if we think of a good one.

  14. Actually, I just remembered one we've been doing all week. I'll post about next Friday I guess!

  15. I LOOOVE this. I linked your post here -


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