Friday, January 30, 2009

Photo Tag

Vickie tagged me with a photo tag! The rules are, to go to your sixth photo file and choose the sixth photo. So here it is! This a little boy that I used to care for. He loved to finger paint......himself! He did not however, like the cleaning up part. But when he was all clean, he would want to paint again. Funny! Thanks Vickie for the tag! I have been missing this little guy lately!

If you would like to play along, let me know so that I can come check it out!


  1. Nothing sweeter than messy little face! Sure looks like he REALLY enjoyed painting!

  2. WOW! You're fast! I was just coming back to post that I joined your photo tag and posted my own and you had already found it and commented on it! lol WOW!

    And, sooooo funny about that lo finger painting himself. When I first saw the picture I thought: WHAT is he eating? lol

  3. Ha ha ha! I have so many pics of Cat looking like that! Those are the best photos, aren't they???

  4. What a funny photo!! You've been tagged over at Junior Mints and Reese's!

  5. YIKES! That's why we don't paint much yet.

  6. Wow, what a mess! No wonder you had him safely tucked into a high chair!

  7. He is such a cutie! I see that you try to protect his clothes. Good job:)

    When I first saw this picture, I thought "OOO birthday cake mess".

    Thanks for playing.

  8. OMG...this is what my daughter looked like when she got into her auntys makeup case :)


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