Monday, January 19, 2009

More Awards For Me!

This weekend I received a couple of awards from some awesome bloggy friends! You are all so kind and I really appreciate the love!

The first award is from my friend Jeannie! She is always there to cheer me up when I'm down and makes me laugh everyday! Thank You Jeannie! For more information on how this award got started, visit Audrey.

I am passing this award on to Angie.

The next award was given to me by Yaya! If you haven't checked out her blog yet, go now! She is a very sweet friend who one day is gonna make an awesome Mommy:)

I also received an award from Pam @ Country Mouse, City Mouse! Pam is a fairly new bloggy friend of mine, but I really do enjoy reading her blog and I can tell we are a lot alike! Thank you so much Pam!


  1. Sandy, Congratulations on your awards, I left one for you last night as well.

    We are loving you and your blog!!

  2. Congrats on your awards and I agree. All 3 of those lovely ladies are wonderful!

  3. You are a superstar! 3 awards in one day! Very, very cool! Congratulations!

    Thanks for following me!!! (shy smile...)

    Now go celebrate!


  4. I'm blown away be how much bloggy love you've gotten!! Doesn't it just make your day! I think the world of you...have a great evening!

  5. CONGRATS on all of your awards!! You deserve them!! I love reading your blog--sorry if it takes forever for the comments to show. For some reason blogger doesn't want me to comment on your posts--stupid blogger!!

  6. Congrats! You deserve them! Your super loved, especially lately! lol

  7. Congrats on your fun!
    -sandy toe

  8. Those are great awards! I really like your blog, too. I keep reading it! You deserve tons of bloggy love :)

  9. p.s. Congratulations on your weight loss!! :)

  10. You so deserve ALL these awards and more!!!

  11. Congrats on your awards... You deserve them...


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