Sunday, January 18, 2009

Yay For Me!

I lost 3 1/2 pounds! WooHoo! I still have a long way to go but, imagine if I would have eaten the TastyKakes or the Dunkin Donuts that Mike brought this morning. I would probably not be this happy right now:)


  1. Congratulations! I found you in your blog!

    I am getting out the Leslie Sansone walk dvd this morning and getting my behind moving. Lost 30 lbs in 2 mos. using her dvds...stopped during the holidays and gained 6 pounds...crikey! Oh well! Your "loss" is my gain...I've gained encouragement by stopping by and reading your fabulous blog!


  2. Hi Sandy! I linked to you via BSU. I'm dieting, too! Have been since Jan. 5th. I've lost my first 5 pounds, but due to a "pre-birthday dinner" tonight, I blew it. Ugh! Oh, well. Tomorrow is another day! Have a great weekend! Love your blog BTW!!

  3. Congrats on the weight loss! Great willpower!

  4. Congrats on your weightloss! That is great. Maybe I could join you. :o)

  5. Congratulations, Sandy! Isn't that the greatest feeling?! Good for you!!

  6. Big Daddy did it again!

    Woo hoo to you girl. 3 1/2 pounds! Fantastic, keep us the great work. It is a great feeling.

    I am doing a happy dance for you:)

  7. Great job Sandy!!

    Heres another tip that had been working for me that might work for you too.

    Eat slowly and only until you arent hungry anymore instead of until you are full.

    I found that just changing how much food I eat allows me to lose weight without even exercising!

  8. Congrats on losing the weight and for having (almost) super human strength to resist those goodies this morning!!! ((hugs))

  9. That is so great, you must feel so good about yourself. Keep it up!!

  10. hugs award for you at my blog!

  11. CONGRATS!! And great job resisting those tempting treats! :)

  12. Yay, Sandy!!!! I'm so proud of you...keep up the great work!!!

  13. you go girl! keep up the great work (and i know how hard it is to resist dunkin donuts...we don't have them here where i live, but back where i grew up they have them and i miss it quite a bit...)

  14. YAYAYAYAY! That is awesome! Small steps lead to big victories!

  15. Keep rocking!!! You're doing so great!!!!!


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