Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Snowman Made With Packing Material

This project is one that came to me after we were left with an overabundance of packing material from some Christmas deliveries. I hate to throw that stuff away when I know I can use it for something else. So here is our recycled snowman.

1. Cut out the silhouette of a snowman from a piece of cardboard. I used an empty cereal box.

2. Have your child paint the snowman white. Allow it to dry.

3. When it's dry, cover it with glue.

4. Cover the snowman with the packing material.

5. Glue on a face and add some arms. I taped pipe cleaner arms to the back of the snowman. He's finished:)


  1. You dont always have to use glue. Packing peanuts are QUITE sticky if you dab them on a damp sponge!

  2. That is a great idea. Only, we did not get any peanuts when we did the online shopping route.

  3. Great idea for packing peanuts! I haven't seen that before.

  4. fun and GREEN. dude, you should send this to Al Gore.

  5. btw, your header is so cute! did you design that?

  6. Rachel-The header and background are from Simply Fabulous Blogger Templates:)

  7. cute - I think I'll have my son do this for the snowman he is supposed to decorate for school.


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