Thursday, January 8, 2009

Think Thin Thursday-week 2

It's Think Thin Thursday again. Today is the day that I look back over the past week to see if I have achieved the goal I set. My goal was to walk everyday. Although it did prove to be a bit challenging because of the weather, I did it! With the exception of yesterday because we had an ice storm. But, I did chip away and shovel ice for quite a while so I think it may have balanced out.

My goal for this week is to drink more water. I have a weakness for sugary drinks. First it was Pepsi (2 liters a day), then diet Pepsi, and then I moved on to iced tea. That ends today!

Good luck to you all! I hope that you are able to achieve the goals you set for yourselves:)


  1. HI Sandy! Thanks for stopping by Blog Around the World. Just wanted to let you know that you are all linked up!

  2. good job!!! Iam doing the water thing thsi week too...i am a diet pepsi fool!!

  3. I did not do as well this week as I had hoped, PMS was wrecking havoc on my "peace" plan!!
    We did well on the healthy end though!

  4. You can do it! Put a lemon in the water :)

  5. Great job, Sandy! Keep up the good can do it, remember??? Hey, have you ever tried something like Propel to give your water a little zing? Adds a little flavor to it.

  6. congratulations of the walking... im sure you can stay away from those sugary drinks for this week.. goodluck! my Think Thin is here

  7. Water is the best thing for dieting. I hope you're able to make the switch from sugar to water.

    Great plan!

  8. Grat job on the walking. I am thinking that chipping ice and shoveling snow is enough for one day.

    I gave up pop too. Been doing pretty good with that this week. Of course, it helps that it is not in the house.

    Keep up the good work.

  9. I think we "newbies" are all going for the same goal. MORE WATER!! I bought a lot of lemons so I could slice 'em up and add a little zing! I'm hoping that helps! LOL
    We can do it! Great job on your goal. I think chipping away at that ice totally counts as walking!

  10. I like your goals! So far they are really realistic and smart. I should drink more water this week too!

  11. This Southern gal HAS to have some sweet tea! There is just no way around it. It's practically law! But I sweeten mine with Splenda or Sweet n' Low. ;)

    Good goals for the week! And, yay for you! Shoveling snow should count as two workouts!!! :) Can't wait to see how you did next Thursday!

  12. Awww man, I was totally just singing out loud to the Dixie Chicks while I was leaving a comment. When I clicked off your page, it stopped and scared me! I was left singing out loud to nothing! hahaha! Sorry, just had to tell you what a silly girl I am. :)

  13. What a great idea to share you workout goals and if you are sticking to them.

    Good luck and great job!

  14. What did you eve rdo about the job? Good luck!

  15. Thanks for the support everyone!

    Blonde Duck- For right now, I decided to look for something part time. If it's meant to be then it will happen I guess. I'm not as stressed about it now that my hubby and I really looked over our finances. It's not as bad as it seemed at the time. Thanks for asking:)

  16. You're doing it the right way by giving yourself reasonable goals. I tend to throw too much difficulty at myself in the beginning and that's not good. I should take your lead. Good luck; I'll be right here cheering for you the whole time!

  17. YAY!! I'm so proud of you dollface!!! Keep up the great work!

    How did you do on your cleaning today?? My list kept getting longer and longer. At this point I'll never die because the work will NEVER end!!

  18. I had a long standing relationship with Coke Zero but I'm putting that aside for water. Yumm! :| Haha! Good luck with your goal!

  19. Looks like we have similar goal for this week of think thin thursday!! Keep up the great work!!!

  20. Good for you getting out there and walking! Way to go!!!
    Good luck with drinking water. definitely not a strong point with me either...

  21. yea for you...i did not have a good week for exercise this week. def a bad eating day for me too...ooops.

  22. Great job!! Sweet tea is my downfall!!

    Good Luck this week!

  23. Good Job on the walking! I'm working on dietary goals right now too! Last week I completely kicked caffiene (It's been about 3 weeks since I started the quitting) and this week I'm aiming for a bottle of water a day! Good Luck!

  24. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I am working on the water thing too. I drank a bottle today and that is an improvement over the 'none' I was doing until today. Nice to 'meet' you!
    Good luck!
    Canaan @

  25. Best wishes! This is my eternal resolution. Not a new year's resolution as much as a new week's resolution. I always start strong on Monday's, and then.... well.... the next Monday I start all over! It's not workin out very well according to the scale. Woops!

  26. Good luck this week! It sounds like you're doing great! The water things seems to be a big catch up for a lot of us, but I'm sure we'll get used to it.

  27. Came by from Blog Stalkers. Congrats on meeting your goals. I really need to exercise more (or any for that matter!).

  28. congrats on making your goal I believe I may take that water challenge as well I know it would be good for my skin as well as everything else. Keep up the good work


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