Friday, February 13, 2009

Flashback Friday-Shared Birthday

I just love looking back through pictures. I smile when I come across one that brings with it a special memory. Today's flashback picture does just that. This is a picture of my son Brandon sitting on my Uncle Jay's lap. Although the picture quality is not that great, I knew I had to share it. You see, Brandon and Jay had such a sweet relationship. They would just stare into each others eyes every time they saw each other. Brandon was born on Jay's birthday and Jay loved to remind me of that every time I saw him. Their birthday is coming up on February 19.

Jay passed away in 2000. He had Down Syndrome so we were very lucky to have him with us for that long. He was a very special man. He loved everyone and everyone loved him! He always had a great big hug and kiss for us whenever we would see him. We all miss him so much....

For more Flashback Friday Visit TMI with Tara!


  1. What a great picture to share with everyone, thanks for sharing some memories about such a special person to you. Have a great weekend.

  2. That is so can just feel the bond between them! Jay sounds like he was a wonderful person who touched a lot of lives.

  3. That is the sweetest picture ever. I love it. You can see how much he loves that baby.

  4. wow, that picture makes you cry and smile at the same time.... thank you for sharing!

  5. That picture is so sweet and the story behind it was wonderful.

  6. That really is a beautiful picture...

  7. That is so sweet...and I love the picture.

  8. Thats so cool. I love people with Down Syndrome. They love others so sincerely. I worked as an assistant special education teacher for a little while, I miss the kids I worked with. Absolute angels! They sure know how to hug too.

  9. Awww Sandy...your gonna make me cry. That was a sweet story and a great picture. :)

    Thanks so much for sharing that one with us!!


  10. What a lovely tender moment that shows! I'm a bit misty eyed over here:) Thanks for sharing's beautiful:)

  11. i have 5 kids too! 3 boys and 2 girls!!
    such a touching story and photo!
    take care.
    thanks for stopping by from sits!!
    happy valentines day!!

  12. Oh, I forgot to say how weird it is that we do the same two things left-handed. That's got to mean something.

  13. What a sweet post! Thank you for sharing your son and Jay with us!!

  14. That is such a sweet picture, love flash back fridays!

  15. What an awesome photo, and an even more awesome memory. :)

  16. What a heart warming photo. You could really see the love there!

  17. That is a sweet sweet picture. I love it.

  18. Hi! Thank you for the sweet welcome, I have already made many new blog friends!

  19. How blessed you are to have this photo! What a great story!

  20. This post brought tears in my eyes...good tears. It just touched me because my daughter has Down Syndrome. I'm not even sure how to explain it, but I'm glad you shared this picture.

  21. Oh Sandy, this is truly such a lovely post and photo! I have tears streaming down my face as I type this. Thank you for sharing such a special part of your life with us.


  22. What a beautiful homage to Uncle Jay.

  23. That is a very sweet story and picture!

  24. Very sweet. Brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for sharing and thank you also for stopping by my blog to welcome me to SITS. :)

  25. Oh my goodness! I have tears in my eyes!


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