Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday Book Project-It's For The Birds!

Did you know that February is National Wild Bird Feeding Month? It sure is and with the recent warm weather we have really noticed the birds chirping lately. So today, we read the book Are You My Mother? by P.D. Eastmen. To go along with the bird theme, we made some bird feeders for our fine, feathered friends.

We spread some peanut butter on a few pine cones.
Then we rolled them in bird seed.
Be careful, it can get a little messy;0)
We then strung some Cheerios on a piece of yarn. Don't forget to tie a knot in the end. I also put a piece of tape around the end so that it would not fray.

After we finished the bird feeders, we hung them on the trees outside. Of course today was a bit colder and flurrying. I'm sure the birds will enjoy their treats:0)
If you have a book inspired project that you would like to share, sign the Mr. Linky below!


  1. That is a very cute idea, I love that book!

  2. Aw! I'm so jealous! I really wanted us to take part in the National Backyard Birdwatch thing this week. But I wasn't sure I could correctly identify them all. I wouldn't want to throw off a national bird count just 'cause I can't keep my birds straight! LOL!
    Looks like ya'll had fun!

  3. OMG! This was my FAVORITE book as a kid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Very neat! I need to make some bird feeders. Do you know I have never read this book to Zhana! This needs to go on my library book list.BTW, I love how you have the blog pics on the side!

  5. I added a craft we did today. Yours is great! Our bookworm loves birds, so we should probably try something like this (minus the peanut butter -- allergies). Thanks for the Friday book project idea; we love it.

  6. I LOVE that book and we read it all the time! We actually just did the pinecone birdfeeders this week, sadly the birds haven't touched them yet though...

  7. This would be a great idea for when we go up to the in-laws cottage. They already feed the birds with seeds and the chipmunks with nuts. Fun idea!

    I missed this week. We did a computer virus scan that lasted all night.

  8. This is such a great linky idea! I'm sure I've done something over the past week or two that has to do with a book! I'll have to link up.

    Great blog!

  9. We love that book! Great ideas here~

  10. How neat...we just made homemade birdfeeders (the cheerio one and a bread/PB/birdseed one) this week in our homeschool studies! We love watching the birds in our backyard. They are sooo neat to just watch! We only wish they'd stay away from our garden goodies. LOL!


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