Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Are You a Fishful Thinker?

As some of you may know, I have been given the honor of being an ambassador for Fishful Thinking! It's a great initiative, brought to us by Pepperidge Farms, that gives parents the tools they need to teach their children to be more optimistic. The Fishful Thinking site is full of facts and ideas that you can use to empower your children to overcome everyday obstacles. I would love for you to visit the website, by clicking the fish! Let me know what you think. You may also grab the button on my sidebar if you are interested in spreading the Fishful Thinking message:0)


  1. I think it's a really good program!

  2. Thanks for stopping by I love meeting new sis'ta's! Thanks again!

  3. I HAVE to get on with this!! I'm being a crummy Ambassador!!!! You, as usual, are totally on top of things!

  4. I have seen this ALL over bloggy land lately, maybe I should go check it out...but I don't have kids so I'm not sure it applies to me.

  5. Stopping in to give some Bloogy Love. Clicking your fish before I go. ;-)


Thanks for visiting! Come back again!