Wednesday, April 1, 2009

My Life. In Pictures. The View From My Front Door

Today's challenge for My Life. In Pictures., hosted by Amber at Everything Except the Grill, is to take a photo of the view from your front door. You would know that today has been such a rainy, yucky day that I could not really get a decent picture. So instead, I am entering a picture that I took this past fall. This is a tree that is in my front yard. We only planted it a few years ago, so it is still very small. However, it has quickly become my favorite tree around. The color show that it puts on in the fall is glorious. I love to sit on my front porch so I can just stare at it. It's lovely:0)

Go check out the other entries here:


  1. well it's snowy blowy out there today, not exactly a fun pic day!

  2. Very pretty. We have a maple in the front yard. I was disappointed it only turns a plain yellow rather than a lovely orange/red like yours. :)

  3. That looks so lush and green. Love your tree.

  4. wow!! Thats an awesome idea. Maybe I will try this one.

  5. Ooh! It's so pretty! And orange!

  6. I agree with Alicia. It's such a Fall-ish picture. I love it!!

  7. I LOVE LOVE LOVE tree leaves when they are that color. It is one of my all-time favorite colors. I think it's why I like fall so much.

  8. I wish we were lucky enough to have beautiful trees here. All we have are boring pine trees. Ungh!

  9. It is very lovely.

    We have a huge tree in our front yard. One year at fall time, all the leaves turned a beautiful yellow and stayed on the tree for a while. I wished I had taken a picture because now every year, it is windy and the leaves never stay ong enough for me to take a picture.

  10. beautiful tree, it eas rainy here today to. I will post our view soon.

  11. Love the fall color of that tree! Very pretty!

  12. Your tree reminds me why I love fall colors best. :o)

  13. I love when the trees change color...they are just gorgeous like yours! Even now, they are blooming around here so there's purple and pink buds everywhere.

  14. Dazzling color, Sandy...I love fall about as much as I love springtime!

  15. Wow, what a pretty little tree.

  16. I love watching leaves change color with the seasons. Great picture and thank you for the welcome!

  17. I may hate winter but I love fall! And that color in that tree made me very ansty for fall to arrive...what is that about?! It's barely spring!!

  18. Love the color and THANKS for stopping by


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