Friday, March 20, 2009

Friday Book Project-Ducklings Love

Welcome Spring! Today for this first day of Spring, we chose a book that the girls got last Easter. It's called Ducklings Love by Lisa McCue! What says spring like a sweet little duckling? So of coarse, we made some ducklings with the girls teeny, tiny feet!

1. My favorite part, paint your child's foot with yellow paint.

2. Stamp them on a piece of construction paper.

3. We did this two times per paper.

4. Fill in the details, such as, grass, feet, beaks, and even clouds or flowers.

5. There you have it! Some cute little ducklings made with your feet:0)

If you have a book inspired project that you would like to share, add your link to Mr. Linky. Happy reading:0)


  1. So cute!! I think later today I'll have 6 lil duckies of my own. =)

  2. Oh super cute, going to keep these in the back of my mind to post on ABC, don't know if it'll be a spring post or for the letter D yet.

    Love it, haven't gotten my book post up yet but will ASAP and link!

  3. That is too cute! I'll have to do that soon. Thanks.

  4. That is so cute! We will be making those!

  5. really cute. where do you get all your handprint and footprint ideas? I have a few but they all come out of my head:) and I'd love a better resource :) I think we will have to do this one!

  6. We finally did one again! More of an activity than a craft, but he's only 15 months...:)

  7. We just left an award for you on our blog:

  8. very sweet, we love this book too. What a fun way to make a duckling.

  9. I was turned on to your blog by one of my friends and just love all your creative crafts! You are such a great mom and inspiration! My sweet 19 month old Madeleine and I decided that your duckies would be just perfect for Easter cards for our friends and family, so we plowed ahead - and added fingerprint grass. Thanks for the inspiration and keep up the great work! (Oh, and I accidentally linked to your blog instead of posting a comment earlier. Sorry about that! Here are the pictures from our craft day.

  10. I'm coming over from Blog Stalkers Unite, asking for your help. I am in the running for a round trip airfare paid ticket to Connecticut, to meet a friend I became acquainted with through blogging. She is a super fun person and is holding this contest. I entered a funny story titled "Grapejuice Floaties, Now Marry Me." The person whose story receives the most votes will win a trip to meet this generous lady, whom I'm hoping to meet. The voting ends tonight I believe. I am ahead for now but there is a story coming up from behind out of nowhere and I would so, so, appreciate your help. Her blog is and the voting is on the sidebar on the right. "Grapejuice, Floaties" Just go there and cast a vote for me, please. Thanks so much-you're awesome! ♥

  11. Thank You for the great projekt, my children really loved it! :)


    I love all hand and foot print crafts.

    Totally gonna do

  13. I just added my link to a chicka chicka boom boom story craft. I must say I have made a lot of different crafts from using childrens feet and hands at daycare but this duckie idea is a first and I LOVE it!!!

  14. I must agree with everyone else. I love the ducky feet! You have a very cute blog, and your family is adorable!

  15. Adorable! I have never seen that before, so very cute!

  16. So adorable! I must do this with my 3 yo - she'll love having her feet painted! :)
    Love your blog too.
    Shannon @ Song of My Heart

  17. Oh man I stopped my blog obsession a couple of months ago but I shouldn't have stopped reading yours! I LOVE the Friday book club. I wonder if you have some kind of email list? I'm gonna have to back blog read...does that even make sense? Thanks


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