Friday, March 20, 2009

Mady Quotes

Madelyn was not very happy with me yesterday. I had the nerve to tell her that she could not get a bath in the middle of the day. She stormed out of the room and yelled, "Fine, I'm not your grandson anymore!" I guess I'm supposed to be offended;0)


  1. Haha, kids crack me up sometimes. =)

  2. That's funny! I love when kids are unintentionally endearing.

  3. Hi! Thanks for commenting on my blog!

    I love how you make your posts very "typographic" with the different sizes!

    - Cesia.

  4. lol. wonder where kids come up with these things.

  5. Wow...I guess she told you! :o So funny, Sandy! Have a good one!

  6. Kids are so darn funny sometimes. Sometimes my two year old will say something funny, I will laugh, and he will look at me very strangely :-)

  7. I should yell that at my mom next time she says I need to take a shower.

  8. Hee hee hee! She didn't know how many people she'd be entertaining with that one!

  9. oh my goodness she is funny! love it!

  10. Haha!

    Congrats on being top blog!

  11. Just stopping by from SITS to say hi. I love when kids say something that makes no sense at all when they are upset. I think we do that as adults too . . .

    Come check out my spring giveaway!

  12. LOL!

    Now that Bella is in school, she has learned the dreaded, "FINE! I'm not your friend anymore!!" routine. It crushed Thomas the first time she said it, but I just laughed. Been there, done that. I just said, ok great! Now I don't have to buy you special treats anymore!!! She changed her mind quickly.

  13. Hey thanks for commenting on my blog. Wow, 5 kids and thinking of another one. You go girl!
    Great blog, I'll be back often.
    From anothers Sits.

  14. I'm coming over from Blog Stalkers Unite, asking for your help. I am in the running for a round trip airfare paid ticket to Connecticut, to meet a friend I became acquainted with through blogging. She is a super fun person and is holding this contest. I entered a funny story titled "Grapejuice Floaties, Now Marry Me." The person whose story receives the most votes will win a trip to meet this generous lady, whom I'm hoping to meet. The voting ends tonight I believe. I am ahead for now but there is a story coming up from behind out of nowhere and I would so, so, appreciate your help. Her blog is and the voting is on the sidebar on the right. "Grapejuice, Floaties" Just go there and cast a vote for me, please. Thanks so much-you're awesome! ♥

  15. Guess she told you! LOL

    {Stopping by from Welcomistas}

  16. Kids crack me up! I love it! Thanks, I needed a laugh.

  17. Stopped in from Sits to say hello and wish you a wonderful Sunday!!

    This post and the previous one were just too precious!! Made me smile lots and remember when my 7 were oh so little.

  18. Good morning everybody! Have a wonderful fun Sunday from a fellow sitsa.

    Checking in from Zen Cupcake

  19. Congrats on being top blog for the week! :)

  20. Great post, Sandy! I love little retorts from kids. They always make me laugh.


  21. Ha, ha, that's so funny. Kids!

    Thanks for visiting MamaLaw and the warm welcome to the SITSahood!

  22. Thanks for the welcome! You must have such a blast with "just" five kids!!

  23. HAHA!! That is priceless!! :)

  24. That is so funny - Got to just laugh with them sometimes - LOL :)

  25. I've been randomly thinking and laughing about this post all week!

  26. How did you not laugh? Admit did. Didn't you.

  27. That is too cute!!!

    I don't have a blog anymore, so no way to get the word out other than by leaving comments. The Red River Valley, which includes the city of Fargo North Dakota, is fighting a MAJOR flood. I grew up in Fargo and still have my parents, many other family members and many friends up there. Please, please, please pray for them!!!

  28. Ahahahahahaahaaa! I love kids. Seriously, they make the world go round and round and round with laughter. Thanks for sharing. (over from Yaya's blog).


Thanks for visiting! Come back again!