Thursday, July 30, 2009

For Those of You Who Are Still Here!

Yesterday was a crazy day for me. I woke up feeling the need to make my life simpler. Combining my blogs was the way that I thought I could do that. I was wrong. I went to bed last night, feeling uneasy about the decision I had made. Was I giving up? Would people forget about cute moments that I wrote about, or would new readers never know these things? It made me even more stressed. So, this morning I awoke and immediately clicked on my very first blog, The Adams Family! I scrolled through pages of memories that I had shared and I began to feel sad. I didn't really want to give this up! So here I am, back where I started from! I am happy with my decision to keep this blog open and to share all of the crafts that I do with my kids, here, all while continuing to blog about our life as, The Adams Family!


  1. Stopping by from SITS...

    Well now I'm glad, too, that you kept this blog, or I wouldn't have had the chance to see how cute it is! The photos of your babies are just too cute! Thanks for sharing!

  2. I think it is so wonderful to have a family blog to record a lot of the cute little things that, as parents, we neglect to record and then forget about. It's the reason I have our family blog!

  3. I totally understand. Funny how when you make the decision to do something, and then that decision rears the head of disatisfaction with that. Must be to make you really know what you want and to go the other way. Right?

    Either on friend. Sorry I've been so absent. This summer has been busy and rough on getting much blog time in.

  4. Who needs a simple life. With more blogs there is more of you to share with the blogosphere!

  5. I LOVE this blog-the look-the colors-the theme-the woman behind the words...YAY sandy!!!

  6. Oh Sandy you crack me up!
    Welcome Back!!

  7. I think you made a good choice. I recently combined another blog with my original blog and it should simplify my life. Of course, if I really wanted to simplify things I would stop blogging completely; Imagine how much time that would free up :D Alas, I'm far too addicted at this point!

  8. I can understand having a tough time deciding which way to go. I keep debating starting a second blog to separate things, but I go back and forth so much, I just can't decide. Glad you found what works for you!

  9. I guess I've always combined family blog with my toddler learning/activity blog. I started the blog for myself. Other people started reading it but the core is for myself as a way to keep the memories. Blogworld wouldn't be the same without your ever cheerful and sweet personality so I'll be over here for sure!

  10. Sandy, you are such a crackerjack;)

    I am glad you stayed here and that you still have your kids craft blog, but I would have followed you over to the other one too:)

    I can understand. This whole thing can get a bit crazy. I figure once school starts I can get my serious blog groove back.

  11. SOunds silly, but I would be SO SAD if you deleted this blog! It's awesome and where I *met* you!


    And I love the new profile pic. You look so sexy!!!

  12. Welcome back...or maybe, Glad you are still here!

  13. So happy you are keeping this open!! ;-)


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