Thursday, July 23, 2009

Mady's Friends

Madelyn has got some imagination! Here she is pushing her "friends" at the park! Let me tell you about these "friends", They are not the most well behaved children. They tend to be a bit rude at times and are quite demanding. A few weeks ago, we had to stop the car because we were pulling out without one. Her name is Stacie. The next day, I was informed by Mady that Stacie was "humiliated"! I'm not really sure what I did to upset her!

Although they can be nasty at times, Madelyn truly loves her "friends", so much so that last week she asked me to do her hair like theirs. I have been told by a friend that imaginary friends are a sign of intelligence. I sure hope that's true and not an indication of multiple personalities, because we already have a full house here;0)


  1. So Cute!!

    "Stacie" sounds like she is going to be a challenge:)

    Michaela had one for a while. His name was "Dave"!!

  2. hehe!! My 3 year old O has "friends" too. Her #1 is a dog named Bustard. We have to seatbelt him in the car whenever we go and we even had to take him on vacation. I also have to feed and water him. Good times!!

  3. So funny.....well at least while she is having her friends over they aren't making a big mess! {giggle} or if they are I would be scared....LOL

    really it is very cute and I doubt multiple personalities are an issue....

  4. That's very interesting. It could be a healthy way to explore a lot of different feelings. Or maybe there are not a lot of other kids for your daughter to play with right now. I'm surprised my youngest son doens't have any imaginary friends! (I hope she described their hair to you, or did you just get to guess?) :)

  5. Glad to know I'm not alone. (Coming over from SITS.) My 4 year old has 5 "kids" and they are all have the same name as her. lol And she will say they are pulling her hair, or doing something else where she has to correct them. Ha.

    Imagination ....

  6. LOL How cute. I had two imaginary friends as a child as well and that's how my parents got me to brush teeth etc.

  7. Your daughter sounds adorable. I remember when my sister and I were little, she had an imaginary friends and I never quite understood it. She named her Denise from The Cosby Show. Haha. Now, she is truely a genius and working on her PhD.

    Happy SiTS Saturday Sharefest! :)

  8. How cute is that?
    (I was before you in the SITS roll call-and wanted to check out your blog-very, very cute!)
    Hope Stacie is doing better today...

  9. That makes good practice for later! She's already working through various scenarios. That's so cute!

  10. That's so cute! I love when kids have imaginary friends! I used to nanny a little boy that had one and I would have to buckle him in and make him a plate of food. I always got a smile out of it!

  11. Fantastic. - Do you know they say that children with imaginary friends become very balanced adults!
    Thanks for visiting me x

  12. Love it - exactly something my Hannah would do!! ;-)


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