Monday, August 31, 2009

Apple Trees

Madelyn and I are working on the letter A this week. Here is A-Apple Tree!

1. Paint your child's hand with brown paint, extending the paint to just above the wrist.

2. Print it on a piece of construction paper.

3. We then used a bath poof to paint the top of the tree.

4. Make apples for your tree by dipping one finger in paint and printing it on the tree top.

5.There you have it! One fabulous apple tree:0)

Friday, August 28, 2009

They Had a Great Day!

The first day of school for Felicia and Brandon went very well yesterday! Woohoo! I am so relieved! Madelyn also had a great day! She was a little upset in the morning without Felicia here at home, but that quickly passed when she and Aaron became my kitchen helpers for the day!

Here they are modeling their aprons! LOL! Don't you just love Aaron's witch hat? They made cupcakes for the back to schoolers!

Felicia was so tired when she got home that she ate her cupcake and fell asleep before dinner. Poor girl!

This morning, she was just as excited to go to school as she was yesterday! She even walked in by herself! She's 5 now you know! (That's what she keeps telling me. LOL!)I guess that means that I can relax a little!

Lacing Cards

I don't know about you, but at our house, I can always find an old greeting card of some type laying around. My girls are collectors of old cards and they never want to throw any away. So, this is a great way to recycle these cards into something fun!

1. Select a card or postcard.

2. If using a folded card, glue it closed.

3. Using a hole punch, punch some holes around the outside edge.

4. Now your child can "sew" around the outside using a shoe lace or a piece of yarn with tape around the end.

*If you would like to reinforce your lacing card a bit more, you can cover it with clear contact paper before punching the holes.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Nothing Says Back to School Like an Apple!

Back to school time is here! We thought an apple would be the perfect way to start off this wonderful time! So here we go! Let the fun begin!

1. Trace an apple and a worm shape on a piece of card board or construction paper. (I used an empty cereal box!) Then cut them out.

2. Tear up a piece of red construction paper into little pieces. (Madelyn really enjoyed ripping the paper!)

3. Paint or color the worm green.

4. Cover the apple with glue.

5. Glue the pieces of paper to the apple.

6. Don't forget to color the leaf!

7. Glue your silly little worm to the apple:0)

Madelyn is so proud of her apple! She can't wait for Felicia to come home from school so she can share it with her:0)

...and away they go!

Brandon and Felicia headed off to school this morning! Both were up bright and early. Felicia wanted to leave the house at 7:00 am, a little too early! I am so proud of her! She smiled like that all the way to school and did not appear to be nervous at all! Brandon on the other hand was. He was nervous for her!

*Sadly I have no pictures of the elusive teenager Michael from his first day. He was just not in a picture taking mood!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Summer is Winding Down

Today was the last day of summer for Felicia and Brandon. Michael started school this past Monday and Aaron starts next Monday. So, our summer fun is coming to an end.We just hung out together around the house today. We had no plans to do anything but just relax and gear up for the start of a new school year.

While enjoying our final moments of summer, it occurred to me that this is the first summer that I have ever had with just my kids. No job to take up my precious time. No extra kids to care for. Just us! Spending days by the lake watching my kids splash in the cool water, while having my toes buried in the sand. Cheering on my boys during their backyard football games. Catching fireflies and giggling with the girls when Felicia left them escape in the house. This is truly the perfect job for me! I wouldn't go back to my old life even if I was paid triple!

As I send two more of my kiddos off to school tomorrow, I will have some fond memories of the best summer ever!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Thursday, August 20, 2009

It's Getting Close!

The first day of kindergarten for Felicia will soon be upon us! I have been worrying about the day that she goes off to school for quite some time now. You know the crazy things that a mom can conjure up in her own mind. Will she get lost? Is someone going to be there to show her where the classroom is? I often think about her getting dropped off at the front of the school and just standing there while every one else goes about their business. Then everyone is inside the building and she is standing alone on the sidewalk. I know that this is not reality! I have sent three other children to school and all of them were safely returned to me at the end of the day. But, I still worry!

Last night was kindergarten orientation! Felicia had been very excited about this day for a long time. She waited patiently all day and spent a great deal of time choosing just the right outfit for the occasion. We arrived at the school a few minutes early. A crowd of excited parents and children were waiting for the doors to be opened so we could all flood through and head to our classrooms. Felicia held my hand tightly, she was becoming a bit nervous. As we walked down the hall, I looked down at my big girl. She had a huge smile on her face! This was it! It was finally happening! We dropped her off with her new teacher and headed to an assembly of parents meeting with the principal. I could not stop thinking about my little girl off on her own.

After we learned about all the things that kindergarten parents need to know, we went back to the classroom to meet with the teacher while the kids watched a bus safety video. Then, it was time for a bus ride around the school. This was the moment she has been waiting for! This was what truly makes a "Big Kid"! The bus! She beamed the biggest smile ever and giggled with glee when the bus took off for their short journey around the building! What a proud moment for her! She had become a full fledged kindergarten student!

So next week, I will send her off on the bus to start her new adventure! I can't wait to hear about all the fabulous new things she is learning and about the new friendships she will form. *sigh* She is growing up!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Friends Forever!

Today I received this award from my friend Vickie!

When I came into the blogging world last year I tried to find people that I could connect with personally. Whether we shared similar experiences, we were moms, childcare providers, or just had something in common. At some point early on I found Vickie! She is such a warm and caring person! I feel like I can tell her anything. She has become a true friend. I am forever grateful for her kindness! Thank you Vickie!

Friday, August 7, 2009

My Life. In Pictures-Black and White

Today the My Life. In Pictures. assignment is Black and White! I have always loved black and white photos, so this is my favorite yet! My entry is a picture of my nephew Alvin! On this day, he was digging for worms with my girls and this is a shot of him proudly displaying his catch!

To see some more great black and white shots, visit Amber at Everything Except the Grill!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

My Life. In Pictures.-Out and About

Today the theme for the My Life. In Pictures Challenge is, Out and About. We are out and about a lot in the summer and one of our favorite places to go is the park. Every time we go, Felicia hops on this "rolling barrel" and runs until she can't run any more! The entire time giggling uncontrollably! It's a lot of fun to watch! She is hysterical!

To participate in My Life. In Pictures. visit Everything Except the Grill!

Monday, August 3, 2009

My Life. In Pictures-Summer Fun

This week, I will be participating in another session of My Life. In Pictures. hosted by Amber at Everything Except the Grill! The theme for today is summer fun! So here is one of the many ways that we have fun in the summer, splashing in the kiddie pool!

If you would like to play along or check out some of the other ways people are having fun this summer, check out the My Life. In Pictures. challenge over at Everything Except the Grill!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

A Family Treat-Funnel Cakes

With powder sugar covered faces, my little ones are saying, "more please"! So I thought that I would share our funnel cake recipe with you so that you can enjoy them too:0)

You will need:
1 egg
2/3 cup milk
1 1/3 cups sifted flour
2 tablespoons sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
3/4 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda

Beat the egg and add the milk. Sift dry ingredients together, then add the egg/milk mixture. Beat until smooth. In a heavy skillet, heat 1 1/2" oil to 375 degrees. Holding your finger over the end of a funnel, fill it with the batter. Using a circular motion, pour the batter into the hot oil. Fry until golden brown, turning once. Drain on paper towels. Sprinkle powdered sugar over the top and enjoy:0)