Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Are You In Need Of A Turkey Craft?

Today is going to be a very busy day for us! We have pies to bake, cleaning to do, and all the other prep work for tomorrow's big feast. Not to mention, making a few turkey crafts to decorate for our guests. If you have some time, here are a few links to some of the turkey crafts we made last year! Have fun!

Turkey Hats


  1. I love the toilet paper turkeys.

  2. Oh, I remember a couple of these crafts! The girls made the toilet paper roll turkeys last year! They had so much fun:)

  3. So cute, I have to remember these for next year, as of now I think our house is all turkeyed out!!!

  4. Those are so cute! Love the pictures! I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  5. Adorable! In many ways it seems like Thanksgiving gets the short end of the stick -- Stores start in with blasting the Christmas music and putting out the holiday merchandise right after Halloween; Thanksgiving "Carols" are few and far between -- but the one exception I've found is in elementary school. So many wonderful Thanksgiving crafts! I love it! Stopping by from SITS.

  6. Toilet paper roll turkeys- just adorable! Hope you had a blessed Thanksgiving! Getting ready for Christmas and new baby at my household! Take Care!

    Creative and Curious Kids!


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