Monday, November 23, 2009

Friend Making Monday-Thanksgiving

 I decided to do something new and participate in Friend Making Monday hosted by Amber at {aefilkins}! Today it's all about Thanksgiving (my favorite holiday)!

1. Turkey or Ham? Turkey, of course!

2. Favorite side dish., sweet, mashed potatoes....oh, I like them all!

3. Favorite dessert. Pumpkin Pie!

4. Black Friday: Are you going or not? You bet! I love the rush!

5. If so, what's on the top of your list? I'm not sure yet. I guess it depends on the best deal!

6. Going out of town or staying close to home? Staying home!

7. Hosting or helping? Hosting! My parents come every year!

8. Name one family tradition at Thanksgiving. Watching the Macy's parade on TV and throwing candy to the little ones!

9. What do you do after dinner? Watch football, play cards, and nap!

10. What are you most thankful for this year?  My family! I would not be who I am without them!


  1. You, my friend K, and one of my favorite bloggers Bina's Pad all have 5 children. Kudos for doing it, every day.

  2. Is it Thursday yet?? After reading all of that I am really hungry now!

  3. I like the idea of throwing candy to the kids - it beats trying to make the parade! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Miki

  4. Turkey, YUP!! I am so looking forward to Thanksgiving! The kids, Jason and I have a big breakfast every year. Since he renovated the basement, he wants to eat down there and watch the Detroit Parade on TV.

  5. You're going to have to share what kind of deals you end up finding Friday! I can't wait for the feast!

  6. I heart Pumpkin Pie too and all the :)

  7. Who the heck eats ham on Thanksgiving? My mother in law asked what kind of pie I want on Thanksgiving and I said Turtle cheesecake, so that's what she's making. :) :)

  8. I love black Friday. Well love/hate - fine line...

  9. My black Fridays are either traveling or hosting a feast for 100 at a hall nearby. This year we're hosting. So I'll be cooking all day and running back and forth like a turkey with its head chopped off...
    After Thanksgiving dinner, I'm usually cleaning up the dishes for quite a while, then crashing for a nap and ibuprofen...
    We eat both ham and turkey.

  10. Hi! Stopping by from Val's. I absolutely loved your cookie jar story. Hilarious! I'm seriously thinking about going to the flea market and buying something really hideous to wrap up and give to an unsuspecting family member so we can start a new tradition! FUNNY! ;)

  11. I didn't know ham was really an option. I'm such a stuffing fanatic, I would feel really ripped off by only having ham!

  12. I love your post! SO sweet. Families are the best aren't they? And lucky you! You get to host : ). Hope you have a wonderful time tomorrow!


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