Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Bus

 Before school began this year as we were preparing Felicia for kindergarten, Mike and I were a bit concerned about sending her on the bus. The boys always rode the bus, but Felicia was different. She was way more shy and I was so afraid that she would not do well, so we decided that we would drive her to and from school every day. Lately, she has been begging us to let her ride the bus. I know now, that our fears about the bus were really us just overreacting, because Felicia has really come out of her shell and has become quite fearless, but at this point during the school year I don't see any point in changing our routine. So, we told her that maybe next year she could start riding the bus. Last night she just kept going on and on about it and was really not going to let it go. She told us that she WAS riding the bus home today.

I said, "You just can't hop on a bus! You have to have a note and the teacher would have to show you where your bus was parked, so NO, you are not riding the bus!"


This morning while I was packing her backpack, I found a cute little note that she had written her teacher. It said "Felicia is guna ride bus 10 home today. I love you Miss Hornberger."

Pretty funny right?! I am so glad that she had to add my love for her teacher. *hehe* Of course I left that note in her folder too. That way she can explain it all to Miss Hornberger.


  1. SUPER CUTE! Don't be afraid of showing the Teacher some love, we all do it at some point.

    My oldest has tried forging my signature on several documents this year including: field trip permission slips (that I would have okayed anyways) a note from the assistant principal for behavior, and a sign up sheet for classroom volunteers. I like your girl's note much, much, more.

  2. Oh my goodness!!! That is just to cute!!! LOVE IT! I hope she likes the bus.

  3. Ohmygosh! That is just beyond cute!! Bella is writing notes now too and it's just adorable!

    I guess you made ME laugh today too, lol! *wink*

  4. So cute! Are you going to let her do it?

  5. Oh how funny!

    My DD loves riding the bus, but her older brother would walk home before he stepped foot on the bus. Weird

  6. That note is the best, you'll have to save it for when she is older! ;)

  7. Aw, that's so adorable! Made me smile :) Can't wait to read more!

    Thanks for your warm words on my blog, visiting from SITS! <3

  8. LOL!! That is so sweet! Kid's notes are the best! Thanks for the giggles:)

    Lindsey wants to take the bus to school too but the problem is...we live right next door.

  9. That was darling! The kind of stuff you'll look back on one day -- and her, too!

    Just stopping by to thank you for visiting me on my SITS day last Friday. :)

    Peace and serenity,
    'The End Of The Rainbow: Life After Bankruptcy'
    *This week is 'MS Awareness Week' -- feel free to stop by and learn more and to see how you can help. :)


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