Monday, March 8, 2010

MuffinTin Monday-{Mostly} Yellow

It's Muffin Tin Monday time again and today's theme is YELLOW! I did not plan very well this week, so I did not have very many yellow foods around, but I worked with what we had and came up with a somewhat yellow tin. Here it is!
Madelyn had a very rough night last night. She caught, yet another cold and was coughing throughout much of the night. She spent most of the morning curled up on the couch with her woobie and the dog, just watching TV. That is until I brought her muffin tin meal into the living room for her. She perked right up!

To participate in Muffin Tin Monday click the button below!
Muffin Tin Monday at Her Cup Overfloweth


  1. a muffin tin meal like that would have perked me up, too! love it.

  2. I think I caught her cough. Great tin! Love the food choices.

  3. What a cutie! Hope she feels better soon!

  4. Corn dogs and ramen are two of my son's favorite foods. He would've loved it!

  5. I hope she feels better soon. I have one home with strep :(

  6. I often end up using muffin tins to get my daughter to eat when she isn't feeling well. It is amazing how well it works.

  7. I would perk up to, this looks so good. Hope your little one feels better real soon.

  8. Awesome tin! Isn't it great how much the kids love them. :)

  9. There's just something about yellow- it makes a sick girl want to be happy!

  10. Very cute idea! I hope you're little one gets to feeling better soon!

  11. Poor Mady. I hope she is better today. I would steal the ramen;)

  12. corn dog would make me feel better too! Happy SITS day!


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