Friday, April 2, 2010

Friday Book Project-Ducklings Love

*Because today we have a very busy schedule, I decided to re-post a book project we did last year.
 We chose a book that the girls got last Easter. It's called Ducklings Love by Lisa McCue! What says spring like a sweet little duckling? So of coarse, we made some ducklings with the girls teeny, tiny feet!

1. My favorite part, paint your child's foot with yellow paint.

2. Stamp them on a piece of construction paper.

3. We did this two times per paper.

4. Fill in the details, beaks, feet, eyes, grass, etc. There you have it! Some cute little ducklings made with your feet:0)

Have you done a book inspired activity with your child? Link it up!


  1. You are absolutely wonderfully creative....and I love it!

  2. Hi. Thanks for the welcome! SITS is amazing, isn't it?

    That book activity is really cool! Thanks for a great idea.

    Cheers :-)
    - CoconutPalmDesigns

  3. That is one of the cutest crafts involving kids feet that I have ever seen.

  4. These are so sweet! I will have to remember them.

  5. This is such a precous project for children. Thanks so much for sharing. Cheers, Lia

  6. What a cute book and I love the little footprints as ducks! I made a card with my 3 month old's footprint, but we made a baby chick.

    So cute!

    Creative and Curious Kids!

    (Stop by and enter Earth Day Giveaway- cute children's book.)

  7. I LOVE your blog!!! I am now a follower. Thank you for the cute craft ideas for the kids! I love the chicks idea! Very cute! Come visit my blog if you have time:

  8. This post is featured as one of my great posts of the week.


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