Thursday, April 1, 2010

My Week So Far

Just when things are moving along smoothly, life throws you a curve ball. Our weekend was busy, as most are for us. It was Michael's birthday on Saturday, so he spent much of the weekend with friends. Then Sunday rolled around and we had our usual Sunday school and church. Usually we visit with my grandfather on Sunday afternoon, but this weekend, we had some other things to take care of. It was candy making day! Every year our church has an Easter Egg Hunt for the community and we get to make the candy to give out as prizes! It's so much fun for the kids!
 After candy making my Mom was taking us to Target to get Felicia's birthday present and an outfit for me to wear on Easter Sunday. Felicia was so excited! She loves to shop. As she was running to the car, she tripped and hit the bottom of the car and the pavement with her face. I was sure her nose was broken when she came back up! She was scraped from her chin to the bridge of her nose and she had a bloody mouth. Poor kid! Add that to the black eye she got last week from getting hit with the door and she looked like she was in a horrible fight! Thankfully, it looked a lot worse than it actually was and she is feeling much better now!

Monday, Felicia celebrated her 6th birthday! She walked a lot taller that day, as she said she felt bigger! ;0)

Monday was also the day that I woke up and my computer would not turn on! Do you know how crazy I was? My computer is my lifeline to the outside world! I know, that sounds pathetic, but it's true! I felt so isolated! But, it happened at a good time, because my body started telling me it was time to slow down and relax! My aches and pains became more than I could handle and I my exhaustion level was at an all time high! So, I took the last few days to just put my feet up and relax. It has helped somewhat, but I now know that I really need to take it easy. Last night, Mike surprised me by buying a new computer. He had been out looking for the part to fix the old one, with no luck, so he decided that it was time for a whole new computer. (the other one was old and slow!) So, I am happy to say that I am back and feeling connected again!

Tomorrow will be another busy day, preparing for Easter, coloring eggs for the church Easter egg hunt, and a visit with my midwife. Hopefully, I can squeeze some time in to put my feet up and rest! How has your week been so far?


  1. Poor girl! I'm glad she had a good birthday! Hope your week gets better!

  2. Whoa! It was busy!

    Poor Felicia! Glad she is okay!

    Take it easy now because you will need your energy soon.

    Woo Hoo to the new computer!

    Our week could be better. Got some crappy news. Now we just have to move one.

    I am hoping work calls me and says I don't need to come in later today. I forgot I have to boil eggs and dye them for the food blessings at church on Saturday.

    Take it easy!!

  3. Happy Birthday to Felicia - she will always remember that fall. I had a similar one, with similar results, when I was a little younger than that.

  4. Quite the production line in candy making. Looks like a lot of fun!
    Happy Belated Felicia!! She's beautiful!
    Have a wonderful Easter with your family ~ wishing you the best!
    Rebecca @
    The Blessings of Modern Domestication


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