Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A Muffin Tin Meal

Muffin Tin Meals are usually done on Muffin Tin Mondays, but yesterday was one of those Mondays. You know the kind. When your weekend catches up with you and you are behind on everything only to be completely exhausted and you accomplish...nothing! Whew, it makes me exhausted just thinking about it! Well anyway, I forgot about Muffin Tin Monday. Madelyn reminded me of my forgetfulness today. So, we're having Muffin Tin Tuesday!
It was a simple lunch, but it made Madelyn happy and to me that's what matters most.

If you would like to participate in Muffin Tin Monday {even if it is Tuesday} click the button below.
Muffin Tin Monday at Her Cup Overfloweth


  1. SO cute! I try to do the muffin tins, but haven't gotten in the habit of getting real creative with them.

  2. These are awesome! I don't do the muffin tin but I bought a bento box so I try and get creative and pretty with those.

  3. We have lunches like that, too! We call them "snacky plates" ... a little bit of everything!

    Thanks for visiting Snapshots ... I look forward to browsing your site soon!


  4. Your lunch looks like a yummy one! I really like your decorative muffin tin cups.

  5. What a cute idea! I should start this for my boys - they would probably think this is pretty cool. I also love the valentines tree - you're very creative!

    The Mom and Dad Reviews

  6. What a yummy lunch! I love the idea of muffin tin lunches, so creative!


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