Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Tree of Love

Did you know that love grows on trees? Well it does here!

{Here's how to make a Love Tree of your own!}
1. Paint your child's arm with brown paint and print it on a piece of construction paper.

2. Using a heart shaped sponge, print some "leaves" with green paint.

3. Using your thumb dipped in red paint, create some hearts for your Love Tree.
Now, you have a Tree of Love!


  1. That's total cuteness! It's on your fridge, isn't it?

  2. So cute! saving for later use - maybe Mother's Day.

  3. Absolutely adorable. Definitely doing this with my daughter!
    Love your blog!

  4. What a great tree! I definitely need to do this with my daughters! They love any kind of painting, and my 3 year old loves finger painting, mostly because of the mess factor, I think!

  5. oh, adorable! my girls had fun making your love bugs!

  6. Ok, this is getting weird. We keep doing the same crafts. I just did a very similar tree with the kids after work today. Well, a little different, I didn't use green heart stamps. I think I like yours better! Great minds must think alike ;-)

  7. I love this idea! I hope you frame it.

  8. Cutest Valentine craft I have seen! A must do.

  9. What a cute idea! I've never seen that before. Love it!


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