Monday, October 24, 2011

It's My SITSday!

How to Blog

Welcome SITStas! I am so excited that you are here for my SITSday! If you're not familiar with SITS, you should check it out! SITS, which stands for The Secret is in the Sauce, is an amazing network of bloggers that support each other with comment love. But that's not all, the SITS site is full tips for bloggers. Please, go visit the SITS girls!

Wow, having my SITSday today sure takes the funk out of Monday morning! So, let me introduce myself, I'm Sandy, mom of 6 awesome kids! They range in age from 18 to 16 months. Three boys, Michael, Brandon, Aaron, and three girls, Felicia, Madelyn, and Stella. I've been married to my hubby Mike for 19 years and he is just as awesome as my kiddos. For 15 years I worked in a daycare/preschool where a fell in love with doing crafty things with little ones. Now that I am a SAHM, I do many of those kid crafts with my kids at home. I hope you get a chance to check them out.

For the most part, we have a pretty "normal" life, but this past August I began a fight for my "normal" life when I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I'm just past the halfway point of my chemotherapy and things are looking good. I recently found out that the tumor in my breast is shrinking! I try to keep a positive attitude about it all and hearing this has been so encouraging. I can and will beat this!!!

Please, take some time to look around and see what Moments of Mommyhood is all about.
Thank you all for visiting! Have a fabulous day!


  1. I am not much of a SITSA anymore but saw on Facebook it was your day! Had to say HEY!!! Happy SITS day to ya!! Luvs & Hugs!

  2. Happy SITS day! Hope your treatment goes well.

  3. Happy SITS day! Thinking about you and your family and thank you for chronicling your journey on your blog. There are tons of people out there who can find hope in your story.

  4. Hi Sandy, Have a Happy SITS day. Enjoying looking around your blog already. Best of luck and continued good news with your treatment, as you say you can and will beat this!

  5. Congrats on your SITS day! I am a big advocate for Breast Cancer Awareness, so I am thrilled to hear your good news!

  6. Congrats on your SITS day! You must have your hands full with 6 children, that is amazing you can handle it all so well :) I used to teach preschool also, for 4 years, and I loved it!! Kids are so much fun. I'm sorry to hear about your breast cancer & it is very inspiring to see how positive you are. I have been going through a scare myself [I'm getting a biopsy tomorrow] after failing the breast exam/sonogram & your blog is really supportive! Thanks for sharing :)


  7. Happy SITS Day to you!

    I am sending nothing ,but positivity and love your way....

  8. Happy SITS and God bless you in your fight!

  9. Happy SITS Day and I will keep you in my prayers as you fight!

  10. Congrats on your SITS day! How exciting! I love your shirt, by the way. I always liked that kick in the face to the "fight like a man" phrase. We can fight like girls and be totally capable of kicking butt, thanks. Hope you have a good feature day and are doing well!

  11. Congratulations on your SITS day. I hope it's a fun day for you.

    Congrats also on the tumor getting smaller. Keep kicking it!

    Best wishes as you continue treatment.

  12. Hi I am visiting from SITS, Congrats on your SITS day... I am sure have a full plate I wish you all the luck in the world I believe you that you can and will win over cancer... MUCH LOVE
    Sharm's Otlet...

  13. Happy SITS Day and so happy to hear you are making it through treatment with strength and optimism.

  14. PS I am now following you on twitter via flgirlnewlife.

  15. Came over from SITS--such great news about your treatment!

  16. Yay you for being halfway through! Happy SITS day!

  17. My mom is a breast cancer survivor, more than 15 years now cancer free. So yes, you can beat this! Happy SITS day!

  18. Congrats on being F/B today. Enjoy your day as Queen! I'm so glad that your treatment is going so well!

  19. Happy SITS day!
    Wish your tumor to get so small that there is nothing to remove. Good luck.

  20. Oh sweetie, I can only imagine what you are going through. I just stopped by from SITS. I had a craniotomy to resect a brain tumor last year. My aunt is a radiation therapist and sees breast cancer patients daily. It's a battle for sure. When I was faced with my own diagnosis, my mom wanted to by me that t-shirt. It rocks. I wish you the best of luck with your treatment. I hope I can be a sympathetic ear and a virtual support through your treatment. Finding a community online really helped me. It looks like you have already done that ;)

  21. Following along and saying a prayer for you too :)

  22. I've been trying to better about roll call on SITS, and was happy to see your blog today! What a fun day! As a 15 year breast cancer survivor, I know YOU CAN DO IT! I just got a clean bill of health from my oncologist on Friday, and it's such a good feeling. You will get there soon, I know it!

  23. congrats on your half way point!

    Women rock.

  24. Hi. Visiting from SITS. Great blog. I'm so glad to hear that the tumor is shrinking.

  25. Happy SITS Day!! Hopefully this will help lift your spirits even more:-) Your children are beautiful and, yes, so will beat this!!! Check out our blog as we have featured many breast cancer warriors this month...some who are now cancer free, some still going through treatments and all inspirational!!! I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. I was lacking in my visits to SITS for a while, but Bloggy Bootcamp Atlanta has me raring to go again! I am so glad to "meet" you via your SITS Day. I love your fighting spirit, and can't wait to learn some great new crafty ideas for my daughter. Art is such a wonderful togetherness activity for the two of us.

  28. Sending well wishes to you! Happy SITS Day! My hat is off to you for raising 6 children and doing arts and crafts! I cringe at the thought of taking out clay and paints!

  29. Sending well wishes to you! Happy SITS Day! My hat is off to you for raising 6 children and doing arts and crafts! I cringe at the thought of taking out clay and paints!

  30. Happy SITS Day!!!

    And thank you so much for sharing your story with us. Will be praying that your tumor will continue to shrink. :)

  31. Happy SITS DAY!!!! I am excited to start reading your story. I will say a prayer for you and your family. Hoping you continue to respond well.

  32. Happy, happy SITS day - may you meet many new e-friends today. And I agree with you - you will beat that!

  33. Happy SITS day!! Yes - you will beat it. Keep up that positive power!

  34. Have a great SITS day!
    As a testament to your strength, you have 6 kids AND are battling breast cancer. And you still manage a blog and I'm sure many other things.
    I tip my hat to you mama!

    *Stopping by from SITS*

  35. Happy SITS Day! Wow - between six kids and chemo treatment, you sound like a pretty tough chick! Best of luck with everything!

  36. I'm visiting from Sits. You are so brave and a total inspiration!

  37. Happy SITS day! Enjoy your day in the spotlight and stay positive!!!

  38. Hey Sandy, Congratulations on being strong and getting healthy! Your family must be an amazing source of inspiration and strength for you, so keep on blogging and let us know how you're doing! happy Sits day!

  39. You rock Sandy. What a fighter. My mom has breast cancer too. Diagnosed 3 years ago. But your spirit shines. Have a delightful SITS day.

  40. Congrats on your SITS day. Enjoy the spotlight and all the bloggy love coming your way. Six kids must keep you busy! I wish you the best in your battle with the big "C". My husband is 3/4 of the way through his chemo sessions...he has colon cancer. Hang tough, girl. There's light at the end of the tunnel!

  41. happy SITS day to you today, I am so inspired hearing about your 6 kids! expecting baby #3 next week (3 babies in 3 years) and at times I feel so overwhelmed and exhausted taking care of a 3 yr old and 1 yr old while being pregnant, but then I read about people like you and I get jazzed up!!!! praying for you this morning for healing, and for an extra measure of strength and courage to walk the path set before you. much love to you sweet bella

  42. What AWESOME news that your tumor is shrinking and YAY for being half-way thru chemo! Every day is one day closer to being done! :)

    Congrats on your SITS day too - very cool! How did I not realize that you had 6 kids??? You are one busy mama! :)

  43. Happy SITS day! Your banner is super cute.

  44. Happy Sits day Sandy! Its always nice to have a family who is supporting and awesome like yours!

    You can beat this girl! :)

  45. Sandy, you are awesome! I have a friend fighting breast cancer right now, and an aunt who just finished radiation. You are the women who amaze and inspire me! Thank you for keeping up with this wonderful blog in spite of your crazy life. Your ideas are so fun, and filling my Pinterest boards as we speak! Happy SITS day!

  46. Wow--you CAN and WILL beast this! This month has been especially for you:) Enjoy your SITS day!

  47. Glad to meet you! What an inspiration you are! Hope you have a great SITS day.

  48. You rock mama! Happy SITS Day. We're praying for you at my house. God is so good...and FYI you're totally going to kick cancer's ass, this is a fact.

  49. Hi Sandy, it's so nice to "meet" you! I'm SO GLAD to hear that your chemo is going well! Best of luck to you!!

  50. Happy SITS day! Hope your treatment goes well. Best of luck to you and your family. It is good to have such a large support system.

  51. Happy SITS Day! Props to you for managing 6 kids & dealing with cancer. You're an inspiration and I wish you the best of luck!

    You will beat this!!! :D

  52. Happy SITS day and good luck on your cancer fight! I really hope they do find a cure because normal should never include chemo.

  53. Keep on fighting - you will beat this! What a great inspiration!

  54. Congrats on your SITS Day! I love your T-shirt. No one has more fight in them than a woman.

  55. Happy SITS day! You are inspiring.

  56. Happy SITS day and I'm so proud of you for being such an inspiration -- both to your kids, your community and the blogosphere -- through your breast cancer treatments. You rock!

  57. Happy SITS day! Thanks for sharing your story. Good luck with everything!

  58. Glad to hear the treatment seems to be working. Hang in there!

  59. Thanks for sharing your blog today! You are one amazing momma! I fought cancer five years ago, and I couldn't have possibly have done it with six kids! You go, girl!

    (Also LOVE your handprint ornament, I'm going to have to do that!)

  60. Congrats on your SITS Day Sandy! Best wishes to you! Stay positive! May you heal soon!

  61. Such an amazing story you have and it's such a gift that you can share your story and help continue to put a face with such a difficult disease. Happy SITS day to you which is really so special that you are getting all this support from so many. Looking forward to checking out your blog and learning some good crafty activities for my wee ones. All the best and take care!

  62. Happy SITS Day! What a great way to start the week! Sounds like you have a pretty amazing life. Congrats that your tumor is shrinking!

  63. Happy SITS day! And congrats on the shrinking tumor!

  64. Coming from the SITS to congratulate you on your special sits day ~ have a fabulous one and hope you will get well and win the fight =)

  65. Happy SITS! You look fab! And a positive attitude is everything! You will beat this!!!

  66. Happy SITS Day Sandy!!! Enjoy all the lovin', and I hope you get tons more followers! I'm sure they will all see what an awesome person you are and will want to know more, more, more about you and your incredible family!!! Revel in the spotlight!! Big hugs!

  67. Happy SITS day to you! Am sending you so many ***positive healing vibes*** your way for a speedy recovery. You are an inspiration to so many!

    Love your blog, hope you don't mind if I snoop around a bit :)

  68. Sandy, wishing you all the best. Sending all positive thoughts to you. Stay strong and keep fighting!

  69. Happy SITS Day!

    Keep up the great positive attitude. And? I love your shirt. Fight Like a Girl!!

  70. Happy SITS day! I have 2 friends who both overcame breast cancer twice, and one who also just got rid of a very serious cancer that was diagnosed late. Keep fighting for the good, you will win!

  71. Happy SITS Day! You are so strong. I hope you enjoy your day!

    Maria xx

  72. Happy SITS day! I'm so glad your treatment is going well!

  73. I know that I'm a little late, but I wanted to stop by and wish you a happy {belated} SITS day and sending you lots of healthy thoughts!!

  74. Happy SITS day!!!

    and YAYYYYY for the shrinking tumor. We have been so busy getting ready for my mom's surgery.. and I have been terrible keeping up with my own blog.. I have been meaning to check up on you, but you have and will continue to be in my prayers for a speedy recovery!

  75. Hope you had a great SITS day Sandy - you deserve it! :)

  76. So happy I made it here in "time" for your SITS day. I hope your day was everything you hoped for.

    I so appreciate your upbeat philosophy and your fighter mentality!

    Wishing you all the best.

  77. Hello, I do not speak English very well (I am French) but I wanted to say to you that you have to continue to fight and to believe in it, you can be stronger than this damned disease, I am crossed(spent) there 5 years ago and I know what you feel take, please, care of you, remains surrounded well, do not make it too much and accepts the help(assistant) that one you offer I wish you the best

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