Saturday, March 27, 2010

Happy Birthday Michael!

Today, my first born turns 17 years old! Where in the heck does the time go? It seems like just yesterday when he loved playing out in the yard digging in the dirt and getting messy. Now he's all grown up!

Oh yeah, that was just yesterday! Happy Birthday Michael!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Friday Book Project-The Itsy Bitsy Spider

Welcome to our Friday Book Project! I am very excited to get back to our book activities and I hope that you will join in as well! The book we read today is The Itsy Bitsy Spider by Iza Trapani.
This is such a cute story and of course my girls love singing it as we read. The illustrations in the book are so fun and it's neat to see the Itsy Bitsy Spider climbing through many adventures.

The projects we did to go along with the story was a silly spider hat!

1. Cut 2 strips of black construction paper.

2. Tape them together to create a band that fits your child's head.

3. Cut 8 strips of black construction paper to create legs.

4. Tape the legs to the inside of the top of the band.

5. After all the legs are attached, bend them to create  "knees".

6. Add some eyes and a mouth.

Now your child can wear their spider hat while reading {or singing} the story!

If you have a book inspired project or activity that you would like to share, add your link to the Mr. Linky below!

Thursday, March 25, 2010


S is for spider! Although, I am not a fan of creepy, crawly things, I can tolerate these spiders!

1. Paint your child's hand without painting the thumb.

2. Print it on a piece of construction paper.

3. Repeat with the other hand facing in the opposite direction.

4. Add some eyed and the letter S!

Handprint Bunnies

What says spring like a cute, little bunny? Today we made an adorable bunny with our hand prints.
1. Paint the palm of your child's hand and the index and ring fingers.
2. Using a thumb dipped in pink paint, make a nose in the center of the palm.
3. Add some eyes, mouth, and whiskers to your bunny:0)

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Return of Friday Book Projects!

Those of you who have followed me from the beginning of my blogging venture, may remember the book projects that we did on our retired blog, Just For Fun. Lately, I have been toying with the idea of bringing them back. We still love reading and doing a project with a book is always a fun way to get your kids more interested in books. So, starting this Friday, I will be posting a Friday Book Project along with a linky for anyone who would like to participate. These projects don't have to be anything extravagant. It may be an art project, a recipe, or any activity that goes along with the book that you chose.  I hope that you will join us!

Tootsie Tulips

Spring is in the air and the flowers are bursting through the Earth to show off their brilliant colors! Today we made some colorful flowers of our own. These "tootsie" tulips are a project that we did every spring when I was working at a daycare center/ preschool. I just have to make them every year, because I can't resist the cuteness of little feet!

1. Paint the bottom of your child's foot and print it on a piece of construction paper. *Warning: This may cause uncontrollable giggling!

2. Add some leaves and a stem.

There you have it! A very simple project to brighten any room on a spring day!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Muffin Tin Monday-Spring!

Although there was no theme for Muffin Tin Monday this week, we decided to have a Spring themed Muffin Tin Meal! We have been celebrating the arrival of Spring, so this was perfect!

As usual, it was a big hit with the kids!

If you would like to participate in Muffin Tin Monday, click the button below!
Muffin Tin Monday at Her Cup Overfloweth

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Spring Has Arrived....Finally!

It's official! Today is the first day of SPRING! After what seemed like the winter that would never end, we are finally enjoying the warmth of the sun. Of course, that's not to say that Mother Nature still does not have a few tricks up her sleeve, but for now, we are going to soak up every minute of these fabulous warm days!

 Playing backyard baseball!

Exploring at the park!

Or just hanging out in the yard!

Friday, March 19, 2010


Nothing says Rr like a bright and colorful rainbow!

1. I drew the lines of a rainbow as sort of a guide for Madelyn to follow. She didn't exactly stay in the lines, but it did help her to follow the curve of the rainbow.

2. Using her finger dipped in paint, she made fingerprints along the lines. Continuing until she used all of the colors of the rainbow.

3. Then we added an R cut from construction paper.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Thinking Spring and Other Random Stuff!

We, here at the Adams house are just coming off of a three day weekend. So I thought today I would just catch up on life. First, I'll start with a baby update. I'm now 29 weeks and getting really excited about Stella's arrival. I wish it was today! I am not very good at waiting and for the past several weeks, it feels as though time is standing still. I know that there are people that have to wait for years and years to have a baby, and I am amazed at their strength, because I have a really hard time just waiting nine months. We have been shopping like crazy, because not only do I not have the patience to wait for her arrival, I feel like I have to have everything she will need, months in advance. The problem, the girls' bedroom isn't finished yet, so I have this pile of stuff sitting next to my computer desk.
Hopefully, soon everything will be finished and we can get the room set up. *patience*

The snow is finally all gone and believe it or not, our grass is still somewhat green. I am still waiting for my spring flowers to bloom and leaves on the trees would be nice, but once again I need  *patience*.

Michael has started practice for baseball and is not only exhausted all the time, but starving all the time as well. That boy can really eat and I just can't keep up with his appetite! 

Brandon got a new job for the summer. He will be working at Knoebel's (our local amusement park). He is really excited!

Aaron just keeps working away at school work and is doing very well. Putting him in Cyber School was the best thing we could have ever done for him. His grades are outstanding now that he has no distractions! Next month he will be going to take his PSSA tests and I am sure he will do great!

Felicia is still loving Kindergarten and is learning so much! Her reading is improving a great deal. She rarely asks me to help her with words anymore. She "sounds out" everything, even when we are having a conversation, she sounds out words so that I will understand her. LOL!

Madelyn is doing very well with her "homeschooling". She wants to learn Spanish now and speaks to her dolls with an accent. It is so funny! She knows a few Spanish words, but I am now looking for a program to teach her more. That kid just loves to learn!

Well, that's about it for us! Things are just normal and simple.....just the way I like it!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Ice Cream In A Bag

Today, Felicia was having an ice cream party at school and Madelyn was a little sad that she was not going to be there. So, we decided to have an ice cream party at home. We made some Ice Cream In A Bag! The recipe is simple and the kids have always had a lot of fun dancing around, shaking their very own bag of ice cream!

Here's what you will need:
  • 1 pint sized zip lock bag
  • 1 gallon sized zip lock bag
  • 1 cup of milk
  • 2 Tbs. sugar
  • 1/2 tsp. vanilla
  • ice
  • rock salt
1. Fill the gallon sized bag half full with ice. Add a few tablespoons of rock salt.

2. In the pint sized bag, combine the milk, sugar, and vanilla. Seal the bag.

3. Place the sealed pint sized bag in the gallon sized bag and seal tightly.

4. Now comes that fun part, Shake the bag for about 5 minutes! My kids love to dance while they shake it!

5. Enjoy!

Thursday, March 11, 2010


I am finally caught up on our alphabet book and this is our first "new" page! Madelyn really enjoyed making this one because it involved glue and patterning!

1. I cut some "quilt squares" from two different colors of construction paper, using my decorative scissors to make the edges pretty!

2. Then, Madelyn glued the "squares" to another piece of construction paper to create a pattern.

3. After her quilt was finished, She added a Q cut from construction paper.

4. Here is the finished page!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Bus

 Before school began this year as we were preparing Felicia for kindergarten, Mike and I were a bit concerned about sending her on the bus. The boys always rode the bus, but Felicia was different. She was way more shy and I was so afraid that she would not do well, so we decided that we would drive her to and from school every day. Lately, she has been begging us to let her ride the bus. I know now, that our fears about the bus were really us just overreacting, because Felicia has really come out of her shell and has become quite fearless, but at this point during the school year I don't see any point in changing our routine. So, we told her that maybe next year she could start riding the bus. Last night she just kept going on and on about it and was really not going to let it go. She told us that she WAS riding the bus home today.

I said, "You just can't hop on a bus! You have to have a note and the teacher would have to show you where your bus was parked, so NO, you are not riding the bus!"


This morning while I was packing her backpack, I found a cute little note that she had written her teacher. It said "Felicia is guna ride bus 10 home today. I love you Miss Hornberger."

Pretty funny right?! I am so glad that she had to add my love for her teacher. *hehe* Of course I left that note in her folder too. That way she can explain it all to Miss Hornberger.

Monday, March 8, 2010

MuffinTin Monday-{Mostly} Yellow

It's Muffin Tin Monday time again and today's theme is YELLOW! I did not plan very well this week, so I did not have very many yellow foods around, but I worked with what we had and came up with a somewhat yellow tin. Here it is!
Madelyn had a very rough night last night. She caught, yet another cold and was coughing throughout much of the night. She spent most of the morning curled up on the couch with her woobie and the dog, just watching TV. That is until I brought her muffin tin meal into the living room for her. She perked right up!

To participate in Muffin Tin Monday click the button below!
Muffin Tin Monday at Her Cup Overfloweth

Sunday, March 7, 2010


1. Cut out a letter p and glue it to a piece of construction paper.

2. Trace your child's foot with their shoe on.

3. Cut out the traced foot and glue it to the paper along side the P. Be sure to point the toes down toward the bottom of the paper. I also added another small piece of paper in the shape of the pony's neck.

4. Add details to your pony and you are all finished!