Monday, October 24, 2011

It's My SITSday!

How to Blog

Welcome SITStas! I am so excited that you are here for my SITSday! If you're not familiar with SITS, you should check it out! SITS, which stands for The Secret is in the Sauce, is an amazing network of bloggers that support each other with comment love. But that's not all, the SITS site is full tips for bloggers. Please, go visit the SITS girls!

Wow, having my SITSday today sure takes the funk out of Monday morning! So, let me introduce myself, I'm Sandy, mom of 6 awesome kids! They range in age from 18 to 16 months. Three boys, Michael, Brandon, Aaron, and three girls, Felicia, Madelyn, and Stella. I've been married to my hubby Mike for 19 years and he is just as awesome as my kiddos. For 15 years I worked in a daycare/preschool where a fell in love with doing crafty things with little ones. Now that I am a SAHM, I do many of those kid crafts with my kids at home. I hope you get a chance to check them out.

For the most part, we have a pretty "normal" life, but this past August I began a fight for my "normal" life when I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I'm just past the halfway point of my chemotherapy and things are looking good. I recently found out that the tumor in my breast is shrinking! I try to keep a positive attitude about it all and hearing this has been so encouraging. I can and will beat this!!!

Please, take some time to look around and see what Moments of Mommyhood is all about.
Thank you all for visiting! Have a fabulous day!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Monday, October 17, 2011

Muffin Tin Monday-Taco Bar

It has been such a long time since we have had a Muffin Tin Meal and the girls have been missing them. So tonight, I surprised them with their favorite dinner and Muffin Tin Monday! Here’s what they had:
Of course, Felicia was very happy!  Madelyn was too, but my camera battery died just as I was about to get her picture. Sad smile
If you want to participate in Muffin Tin Monday, click the button below.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

A Sad Day.

Today my Pappy was called home to Heaven to finally be reunited with my Grammy. Please keep our family in your prayers as we come together to celebrate his life. He will be deeply missed, but as Madelyn told me when she learned the news. "He will be in our hearts forever!"

Friday, October 7, 2011

An Oldie But Goodie-Halloween Candle Holders

Halloween decorating is so much spookier when there are flickering candles around. Here is a fun candle holder that you can make to create a Ghostly Glow!

Let's get started!

My kids love tearing up paper!

This might get a little sticky!

Cover the entire jar with tissue paper!

When it's completely covered, allow your jar to dry. After that, you can draw a ghost face and add a candle. We used the same technique to make Jack O' Lanterns as well!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

It's Shrinking, It's Shrinking!!!

Yesterday, I had my third round of chemotherapy and I got some awesome news from my doctor. The mass in my breast has now shrunk to half of it's original size! My Dr. said I made his day, but truly, hearing this made my day! It has given me the inner strength to fight on, harder than ever!
The ultimate goal is to shrink the mass to nothing or at the very least, next to nothing, which would result in a smaller surgery. He's not making any promises, but he says we are on the right track and I put my trust in him. Please continue your prayers, I do believe they may be working.  :)

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Getting Wiggy With It

So, one of the not so fun things about having cancer is the fact that you may lose your hair. Now, I had some pretty long hair before learning that I had cancer and eventually I shortened it a bit to ease myself into total hair loss gradually. Finally when I started losing it rapidly I handed hubby the clippers and he shaved the rest off. Now, I still have some stubble, and some areas actually appear to be growing, but not enough to make me not want to wear a wig. So, my dear sister in law came to my rescue and bought me a gorgeous wig. I have gotten so many compliments on how beautiful my hair is. During my second chemo treatment, a women came up to me and told me how lucky I was to still have my hair because by her second treatment her hair was all gone. Imagine her surprise when I told her I had shaved my head the previous week. She was stunned and I was digging it. I may have even declared that I was never going to grow hair again. Wigs are just so much easier to do!
That is until….the tragic cooking mishap. I love to cook, so when I am feeling up to it, I do it often. On one day in particular, I was not feeling up to it and I had food sent to me from a fellow church member (my church is awesome BTW), anyway, It was a chicken pot pie and I was being impatient waiting for the crust to get brown. My genius idea, put it under the broiler for a few minutes. Normally this works out just fine for me (when I’m not wearing an apparently highly flammable cranial prosthesis on my head) however this time, not so good. The crust was beautiful, my hair was NOT! Now, I wish that I had a picture of this debacle to share with you because I have gotten a few laughs out of it myself, but sadly, for some reason I didn’t take one. But I have learned a valuable lesson…Don’t cook with your wig on or get someone else to do it for you (like my eldest son is doing this very minute).
Although I don’t have my melted wig any longer, Here is a picture of me and my NEW hair:029
I love it!