Monday, December 24, 2012

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Snowflakes for Sandy Hook

On day 7 of our countdown to Christmas, I posted about a blizzard of snowflakes that Felicia had been making. She enjoyed doing it so much that she still continues to create even more. We've hung some throughout the house and still have a pile left. I've been wondering what to do with the rest of them when I came across the Snowflakes for Sandy Hook campaign.

The children of Sandy Hook will be returning to a completely different school and the Connecticut PTSA is asking for help to create a winter wonderland in their new school. If you would like to join in you can send snowflakes to:
 Connecticut PTSA
 60 Connolly Parkway, Building 12, Suite 103
 Hamden, CT  06514

For more ways to help, please visit Connecticut PTSA.


Friday, December 14, 2012


As I got on the computer this morning to continue our 25 days of Christmas posts, I learned of the horrific tragedy unfolding in Connecticut. Suddenly, my recipe for Christmas cookies and our elf craft seemed so insignificant. My mind raced trying to grasp the reality of what had happened. Having two kids in elementary school made this feel so close to us even though it was not even in our state. I felt the overwhelming desire to pick my kids up at school and never let them out of my sight again. 

Over the next few days, while we are preparing for our holiday celebrations, so many parents will be planning funerals for children whose lives were taken in this senseless act. My heart is heavy. In light of this, I will be taking a break from posting for a few days out of respect for the victims and their families. 

Give your kids some extra hugs and God bless.


Thursday, December 13, 2012

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Cookies {Day 11}

Baking(and eating) cookies for the holidays is one of my favorite things to do! The only problem..with six kids they don't last long!

Monday, December 10, 2012

A Holiday Muffin Tin Meal {Day 10}

We are feeling quite festive around here lately so a Holiday Muffin Tin Meal was in order! Stella loved it as usual! Check out some more Muffin Tin meals here:

Stained Glass Ornaments {Day 9}

Making ornaments has always been a big deal for the kids. In the past, we baked salt dough ornaments and keepsake ornaments with their hand prints. Last year, after Christmas I found these Stained Glass Ornaments on clearance so I snatched them up and tucked them away for this year.
The girls have pulled them out several time throughout the year and asked to make them, but I kept telling them they had to wait! So finally the time had come to make them and they were excited...maybe too excited. They are not something that can be hurried. The beads are tiny and the spaces to fill are not very big either. It's delicate work!
Madelyn had just finished hers when Felicia bumped the tray and she had to start all over again. Felicia was upset and gave up.
But in the end, she was happy to see them finished. 

Even though the girls had a few moments of frustration while making them, they did turn out quite nice!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree {Day 8}

Today was the day...we were going on a quest!

Some too short...
But this one was...

Friday, December 7, 2012

Snowflakes {Day 7}

 Every year we haul out a pile of coffee filters, scissors and liquid starch and cover our windows with paper snowflakes. Felicia has especially taken a liking to this activity and has been making a "blizzard" of snowflakes! (I guess she'll stop when she runs out of coffee filters) You can learn how to make them here and if you would like to to turn them into a nice gift, check out this post.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Pizza and The Polar Express {Day 6}

The 25 Days of Christmas on ABC Family is the best! Tonight we are watching the Polar Express with a blanket spread out on the floor where we are dining on pizza. Best moment all day long! 

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Toilet Paper Roll Snowman {Day 5}

Toilet Paper Roll Snowman
We've recently had a few unseasonably warm days, but we are still holding out hope for a white Christmas. However, if Mother Nature fails us, we can still have a cute snowman!

   Just grab a toilet paper roll and paint it white. While it's drying, braid a few strands of yarn to make a scarf. After the paint is dry, draw a face on your snowman.
Add a hat and the scarf and you have yourself a sweet little snowman!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Cookie Cutter Prints {Day 4}

Painting with cookie cutters is such a simple and fun way to decorate for Christmas. Felicia and Madelyn made these to hang on the wall, but you can use the same technique to make your very own wrapping paper! Just print on some freezer paper. Easy peasy!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Handprint Reindeer~Countdown to Christmas {Day 3}

Tonight we made a classic craft, hand print reindeer, while watching a classic movie, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. I can't believe that a movie I enjoyed as a little girl is now a favorite of my own kids. I also can't believe that I have been making hand print reindeer with my own kids for almost 20 years! It just doesn't seem possible!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Countdown To Christmas {Day 1}

The Christmas season is such a busy time. I feel like, in years past, it has gone by so fast the we hardly had time to enjoy it. This year, I am making an effort to slow things down a bit and savor every moment. Tonight we kicked off our holiday countdown by helping to decorate our church. The girls were delighted to get together with friends while hanging lights, bows, and
ornaments. After the work was finished we all sat down together for some pizza and fellowship. It was a good night!