Monday, July 22, 2013

All About Me

This week I'm participating in the the Fourth annual Commenting Challenge hosted by Jenna's Journey! It's a great way to meet some new peeps and who doesn't love to do that?! Click the link in join in! 

Today's topic is "All About Me"
If you are a first timer to Moments of Mommyhood, welcome! My name is Sandy. I live in a small town in Pennsylvania with my hubby of 21 years, Mike. We have six kids: Michael(20), Brandon(18), Aaron(16), Felicia(9), Madelyn(7), and Stella(3). Of course I can't forget my fur baby our Chihuahua, Lucy!

In 2007, I left my job (that I loved) in a daycare/preschool to become a stay at home mom. It was strange to not be caring for so many other kids but I was happy to be able to give my full attention to my own family. 

In August of 2011, life as I knew it changed abruptly when I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I knew I was in for the fight of my life, but I was prepared to do it for my family. After many months of chemo, radiation, and surgery I BEAT IT! I'm not going to lie, it was grueling and not something I would wish anyone to ever go through, but I am now well and going on with my life with a much better attitude. Enjoying the small things is more important than ever!

I recently started providing childcare again, in my home. It's the best of both worlds for me. I love the job and I can still stay home with my own kids. Win win! 

Here at Moments of Mommyhood, you will find some crafts that I do with the kiddos, some recipes, and just general happenings from our lives! Take a look around. I look forward to getting to know you!  

You can also find me here:


  1. hopping over from Jenna's commenting challenge. So glad to hear you were able to beat cancer!

  2. Found my way here from the commenting challenge. Congratulations on beating cancer. That is huge. AND providing childcare. I know that can't be easy!

    Kelly @

  3. Congratulations on beating cancer! That is an amazing gift! Have a great day!

  4. Hi! Visiting from Jenna's. Congrats on beating the cancer- that is awesome!

  5. Hello! stopping by from Jenna's! What a HUGE family you have! How fun! I'm one of 9 kids!! so happy to hear you beat cancer!!

    1. I love the chaos of a big family! My dad was one of 12!

  6. Stopping by from Jenna's. Way to beat that cancer... you're awesome!

  7. Wow, you sound like Wonder Woman to me! Maybe if I stick around some will wear off on me :)

  8. Hey! Thanks for stopping by! It's nice to see someone from the Northeast! Any tips on making the transition from working to stay-at-home-mom?

    1. For me, transitioning from my job to being a SAHM was not that difficult. Because I worked in a childcare facility I, for the most part, kept the same schedule. That made it nice for the kids too because they had always been in daycare with me. Keeping a schedule was the key to making my days run smoothly!

  9. Visiting from Jenna's challenge - thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm excited to start following along - I ALWAYS need tips on things to do with the kids and recipes! :)

  10. Congratulations to you on winning your fight!

  11. Visiting from Jenna's commenting challenge. Congrats on beating cancer!

  12. Yay for beating cancer!! Looking forward to reading your blog.

  13. So glad to hear you beat cancer!! I can't wait to look through all of your crafts. I am going to start watching a little girl 4 days a week here soon ( in addition to my own 2 boys that I stay at home with), so I will need all the craft ideas I can get! Stopping by from Jenna's link up!

  14. Hey! Coming over from Jenna's. congrats on beating cancer! That's amazing! Can't wait to hear more from you! I blog over at
    Come check it out if you get time! :)

  15. Stopping by from Jenna's! Looking forward to reading more of your blog :-)

  16. wow! I got the chills reading this! Congrats on beating that awful battle. You are one strong woman! Stopping by from Jennas Journey! Cant wait to read more!

  17. Stopping by from Jenna's Journey. We also have a 3 yr old little girl. Congrats on beating cancer!

  18. Stopping by from Jenna's. Congrats on beating breast cancer (my mom was really young too when she beat it). Love to read some if your crafts and activities for kids. Looking forward to reading more.

  19. Stopping by from the challenge! Your are a supermama! To be a SAHM to 6 kids and have beaten breast cancer is amazing! I have twin girls that are 19 months and want to pull my hair out some days! LOL! Can't wait to read more of your blog :)


  20. Congratulations on beating the breast cancer monster! ^ kids???? WOW! I'm exhausted with just my two!

    (Stopping by from Jenna's comment challenge!)


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